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Speckle interferometry of nearby multiple stars. III.
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Speckle interferometry of nearby multiple stars. II.
This paper is a continuation of diffraction-limited speckleinterferometry of binary and multiple stars carried out at the 6-mtelescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory in Zelenchuk. Theprogram has concentrated on nearby (π>10 mas) close binariesdiscovered or measured during the Hipparcos mission. Here, we present132 measurements of relative positions and magnitude differences for 99pairs and 8 measurements for 6 triple systems. 54 entries in the paperare new Hipparcos binaries. New triple systems with late-type dwarfcomponents, discovered in the course of observations, are HIP 8533 andHIP 25354.Based on data collected at the Special Astrophysical Observatory,Russia.{Tables 1-3 are only available in electronic form at the CDS viaanonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?/A+A/422/627

The Geneva-Copenhagen survey of the Solar neighbourhood. Ages, metallicities, and kinematic properties of ˜14 000 F and G dwarfs
We present and discuss new determinations of metallicity, rotation, age,kinematics, and Galactic orbits for a complete, magnitude-limited, andkinematically unbiased sample of 16 682 nearby F and G dwarf stars. Our˜63 000 new, accurate radial-velocity observations for nearly 13 500stars allow identification of most of the binary stars in the sampleand, together with published uvbyβ photometry, Hipparcosparallaxes, Tycho-2 proper motions, and a few earlier radial velocities,complete the kinematic information for 14 139 stars. These high-qualityvelocity data are supplemented by effective temperatures andmetallicities newly derived from recent and/or revised calibrations. Theremaining stars either lack Hipparcos data or have fast rotation. Amajor effort has been devoted to the determination of new isochrone agesfor all stars for which this is possible. Particular attention has beengiven to a realistic treatment of statistical biases and errorestimates, as standard techniques tend to underestimate these effectsand introduce spurious features in the age distributions. Our ages agreewell with those by Edvardsson et al. (\cite{edv93}), despite severalastrophysical and computational improvements since then. We demonstrate,however, how strong observational and theoretical biases cause thedistribution of the observed ages to be very different from that of thetrue age distribution of the sample. Among the many basic relations ofthe Galactic disk that can be reinvestigated from the data presentedhere, we revisit the metallicity distribution of the G dwarfs and theage-metallicity, age-velocity, and metallicity-velocity relations of theSolar neighbourhood. Our first results confirm the lack of metal-poor Gdwarfs relative to closed-box model predictions (the ``G dwarfproblem''), the existence of radial metallicity gradients in the disk,the small change in mean metallicity of the thin disk since itsformation and the substantial scatter in metallicity at all ages, andthe continuing kinematic heating of the thin disk with an efficiencyconsistent with that expected for a combination of spiral arms and giantmolecular clouds. Distinct features in the distribution of the Vcomponent of the space motion are extended in age and metallicity,corresponding to the effects of stochastic spiral waves rather thanclassical moving groups, and may complicate the identification ofthick-disk stars from kinematic criteria. More advanced analyses of thisrich material will require careful simulations of the selection criteriafor the sample and the distribution of observational errors.Based on observations made with the Danish 1.5-m telescope at ESO, LaSilla, Chile, and with the Swiss 1-m telescope at Observatoire deHaute-Provence, France.Complete Tables 1 and 2 are only available in electronic form at the CDSvia anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/418/989

Speckle Observations of Binary Stars with the WIYN Telescope. IV. Differential Photometry
Five hundred seventy-six magnitude difference measures are presented for260 binary stars. These measures are derived from CCD-based speckleobservations taken at the WIYN 3.5 m telescope at Kitt Peak NationalObservatory during the period 1997-2000. Separations of the systemsrange from over 1" down to near the diffraction limit of the telescope.A study of multiple measures of the same targets indicates that themeasures have a typical uncertainty of better than 0.13 mag per 2 minuteobservation, and that multiple observations can be averaged to arrive atsmaller uncertainties. Results presented here are also compared, insofaras it is possible, with measures in the Hipparcos Catalogue and toprevious studies using adaptive optics. No major systematic errors wereidentified.The WIYN Observatory is a joint facility of the University ofWisconsin-Madison, Indiana University, Yale University, and the NationalOptical Astronomy Observatory.

Binary Star Speckle Interferometry: Measurements and Orbits
Results of our second observational run of binary star interferometricmeasurements with an ICCD speckle camera attached to the 1.52 mtelescope of the Observatorio Astronómico Nacional at Calar Alto(Almería, Spain) in 2000 June-July are presented. The measuredangular separations range from 0.096" to 6.558". With the use of the newspeckle data, the orbits of the visual binaries WDS 14369+4813 and WDS21597+4908 are improved.

Improved Astrometry and Photometry for the Luyten Catalog. II. Faint Stars and the Revised Catalog
We complete construction of a catalog containing improved astrometry andnew optical/infrared photometry for the vast majority of NLTT starslying in the overlap of regions covered by POSS I and by the secondincremental Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) release, approximately 44%of the sky. The epoch 2000 positions are typically accurate to 130 mas,the proper motions to 5.5 mas yr-1, and the V-J colors to0.25 mag. Relative proper motions of binary components are measured to 3mas yr-1. The false-identification rate is ~1% for11<~V<~18 and substantially less at brighter magnitudes. Theseimprovements permit the construction of a reduced proper-motion diagramthat, for the first time, allows one to classify NLTT stars intomain-sequence (MS) stars, subdwarfs (SDs), and white dwarfs (WDs). We inturn use this diagram to analyze the properties of both our catalog andthe NLTT catalog on which it is based. In sharp contrast to popularbelief, we find that NLTT incompleteness in the plane is almostcompletely concentrated in MS stars, and that SDs and WDs are detectedalmost uniformly over the sky δ>-33deg. Our catalogwill therefore provide a powerful tool to probe these populationsstatistically, as well as to reliably identify individual SDs and WDs.

Speckle Observations of Binary Stars with the WIYN Telescope. II. Relative Astrometry Measures during 1998-2000
Five hundred twelve relative astrometry measures are presented for 253double stars, including 53 double stars discovered by Hipparcos. In 15cases, relative astrometry is reported for the first time for newlyconfirmed pairs. In addition, 20 high-quality nondetections ofcompanions are reported for stars suspected of being nonsingle byHipparcos. Observations were taken using a fast-readout CCD camerasystem at the WIYN 3.5 m telescope at Kitt Peak, Arizona. In comparingthese measures with ephemeris predictions for binary stars with verywell known orbits, we find that the measurement precision is better than3 mas in separation and 1° in position angle per individualobservation. Measurement precision and detection capabilities are fullydiscussed, and confirmed orbital motion is reported in four cases of theHipparcos double star discoveries. The WIYN Observatory is a jointfacility of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Indiana University,Yale University, and the National Optical Astronomy Observatory.

Speckle interferometry of nearby multiple stars
We present the results of diffraction-limited optical speckleinterferometry and infrared bispectrum speckle interferometry of 111double and 10 triple systems performed in 1998-1999 with the 6-mtelescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory in Zelenchuk. Theobservations concentrated on nearby close binaries discovered during theHipparcos mission. Many nearby fast-orbiting low-mass binaries knownbefore Hipparcos were also included in the program. New companions werefirst resolved in 4 systems: HIP 5245, ADS 3179, Kui 99, and ADS 16138.In addition to accurate relative positions, magnitude differences weremeasured for most of the pairs. We combined our results with theHipparcos parallaxes to derive absolute magnitudes and spectral typesfor 63 binaries and 4 triples. Preliminary orbital elements and themass-sum are derived for HIP 689, and improved orbits are presented forHIP 16602 (CHR 117) and HIP 21280 (CHR 17). Based on data collected atthe Special Astrophysical Observatory, Russia Table 1 is only, and Table2 also, available in electronic form at the CDS via anonymons ftp tocdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/385/87

Speckle observations of binary systems measured by Hipparcos
From speckle observations made with the PISCO speckle camera at the Picdu Midi Observatory, we present high angular resolution astrometric datafor 43 binary stars already observed by the Hipparcos satellite. Thissample consists of mainly new Hipparcos eclipsing binaries with a visualcompanion closer than one arcsecond, chosen with the aim to study thedynamical implications of a third component on the observationalparameters of the eclipsing system. In addition, we also included aselection of close visual binaries with few speckle data in order toanalyse possible systematic departures between the speckle and thenon-speckle orbits. The reduction method and the results are presentedin detail. For the close visual binaries we confront our observationswith the ephemerides based on the best known orbits. For the wide visualbinaries the confrontation is made directly with the Hipparcos data. Ourobservations are consistent both with previous speckle data and withmost of the Hipparcos measurements. Based on observations made with theTélescope Bernard Lyot at the Pic du Midi Observatory, France andon data obtained by the Hipparcos astrometry satellite. This work hasalso made use of the Simbad database, operated at CDS, Strasbourg,France.

Infrared Speckle Interferometry of Eleven Binaries Using a Bispectral Analysis
Infrared speckle-masking observations of eleven binary systems with the6-m Special Astrophysical Observatory telescope are presented. Aresolution of 43 mas in J (1.25 micrometer) and 76 mas in K (2.2micrometers) has been achieved in reconstructed images. Accuratemagnitude differences, separations, and position angles have beendetermined for all the resolved binaries. The pair HR 1071 with anabnormally low lithium abundance is considered in more detail.

Dynamical Stability of Triple Stars
The dynamical stability of 38 observed hierarchical triple stars withknown orbital elements of the internal and external binary subsystemsand component masses is considered. Four different criteria of dynamicalstability are used. The observed stability parameters and their criticalvalues are calculated by taking into account errors in the orbitalelements and component masses. Most triple systems are stable. Accordingto some criteria, several triple stars (ADS440, xi Tau, lambda Tau,ADS3358, VV Ori, ADS10157, HZ Her, Gliese 795, ADS15971, and ADS16138)may be dynamically unstable. This result is probably associated withunreliability of the empirical stability criteria and/or with errors inthe observed quantities.

Visual binary orbits and masses POST HIPPARCOS
The parallaxes from Hipparcos are an important ingredient to derive moreaccurate masses for known orbital binaries, but in order to exploit theparallaxes fully, the orbital elements have to be known to similarprecision. The present work gives improved orbital elements for some 205systems by combining the Hipparcos astrometry with existing ground-basedobservations. The new solutions avoid the linearity constraints andomissions in the Hipparcos Catalog by using the intermediate TransitData which can be combined with ground-based observations in arbitarilycomplex orbital models. The new orbital elements and parallaxes give newmass-sum values together with realistic total error-estimates. To getindividual masses at least for main-sequence systems, the mass-ratioshave been generally estimated from theoretical isochrones and observedmagnitude-differences. For some 25 short-period systems, however, trueastrometric mass-ratios have been determined through the observedorbital curvature in the 3-year Hipparcos observation interval. Thefinal result is an observed `mass-luminosity relation' which falls closeto theoretical expectation, but with `outliers' due to undetectedmultiplicity or to composition- and age-effects in the nonuniformnear-star sample. Based in part on observations collected with the ESAHipparcos astrometry satellite. Tables~ 1, 3, 4 and 6 are also availablein electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp tocdsarc.u-strasbg.fr~( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html

Mass determination of astrometric binaries with Hipparcos. II. Selection of candidates and results
In a previous paper (\cite{Mar97}) we have shown that for double starswith orbital periods smaller than about 25 years, it was possible todetermine from the Hipparcos data, the mass ratio B of the components orthe difference between the mass and intensity ratios, beta -B, providedthe orbital elements of the relative orbit are available. From anextensive literature search we have selected 145 potential systems, ofwhich 46 yielded eventually a satisfactory solution. For eight systemswith the largest separations, the peculiarities of the natural directionassociated to the Hipparcos observations, the 'hippacentre', have beenfully exploited to derive the mass ratio of the components without anyadditional assumption. For the remaining 38, the derivation of the massratio was possible only by taking the magnitude difference between thetwo components from other sources. The parallax determinedsimultaneously, is then used to produce the individual masses of thecomponents. The astrophysical relevance of the results is discussed andwhen possible (17 systems) the masses are compared to ground-basedvalues.

ICCD Speckle Observations of Binary Stars. XVII. Measurements During 1993-1995 From the Mount Wilson 2.5-M Telescope.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1997AJ....114.1639H&db_key=AST

MSC - a catalogue of physical multiple stars
The MSC catalogue contains data on 612 physical multiple stars ofmultiplicity 3 to 7 which are hierarchical with few exceptions. Orbitalperiods, angular separations and mass ratios are estimated for eachsub-system. Orbital elements are given when available. The catalogue canbe accessed through CDS (Strasbourg). Half of the systems are within 100pc from the Sun. The comparison of the periods of close and widesub-systems reveals that there is no preferred period ratio and allpossible combinations of periods are found. The distribution of thelogarithms of short periods is bimodal, probably due to observationalselection. In 82\% of triple stars the close sub-system is related tothe primary of a wide pair. However, the analysis of mass ratiodistribution gives some support to the idea that component masses areindependently selected from the Salpeter mass function. Orbits of wideand close sub-systems are not always coplanar, although thecorresponding orbital angular momentum vectors do show a weak tendencyof alignment. Some observational programs based on the MSC aresuggested. Tables 2 and 3 are only available in electronic form at theCDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html

Binary Star Orbits From Speckle Interferometry. VIII. Orbits of 37 Close Visual System
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1996AJ....111..370H&db_key=AST

Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Subtittle: Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue.
We give a common version of the two catalogues of Mean Radial Velocitiesby Wilson (1963) and Evans (1978) to which we have added the catalogueof spectroscopic binary systems (Batten et al. 1989). For each star,when possible, we give: 1) an acronym to enter SIMBAD (Set ofIdentifications Measurements and Bibliography for Astronomical Data) ofthe CDS (Centre de Donnees Astronomiques de Strasbourg). 2) the numberHIC of the HIPPARCOS catalogue (Turon 1992). 3) the CCDM number(Catalogue des Composantes des etoiles Doubles et Multiples) byDommanget & Nys (1994). For the cluster stars, a precise study hasbeen done, on the identificator numbers. Numerous remarks point out theproblems we have had to deal with.

Photographic astrometry of binar and proper-motion stars: 8.
300 trigonometric parallaxes, 15 revised binary-star orbits, and 24 massratios are listed and annotated.

Mesures d'etoiles doubles faites a Nice, etoiles doubles nouvelles (24eme serie) decouvertes a Nice.
Table 1 gives 1182 measurements of 682 binaries observed with the 74 and50 cm refractors. Table 2 lists 26 new binaries discovered with the 50cm refractor.

Spectroscopic Components in Multiple Systems - COUTEAU:327 and COUTEAU:542
Not Available

Binary star speckle measurements during 1989-1993 from the SAO 6 M and 1 M telescopes in Zelenchuk
We have continued to survey visual and interferometric binary stars withsignificant orbital motion by means of speckle method at the telescopesof the Special Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) in Zelenchuk. Here wepresent the lists of 267 speckle observations made with the 6 m and the1 m telescopes in the period May 1989-November 1993.

Orbital coplanarity in solar-type binary systems: Implications for planetary system formation and detection
The equatorial inclinations of solar-type stars within visual binarysystems are computed by combining v sin i measurements with rotationalperiod information, or with expected rotational velocities based uponthe age of the star in question. These inclinations are then comparedwith the orbital inclinations of the systems to test the alignmentbetween the equatorial and orbital planes, and how the tendency for oragainst coplanarity varies as a function of parameters such as spectraltype, separation, eccentricity, etc. The results are extended toplanetary systems in order to determine the appropriateness of basingplanetary search strategies upon a parent star's equatorial inclination,and to address issues in planetary system formation and evolution,including the stability of planetary orbits within binary systems.During the course of this project new or improved v sin i measurementsare made for over 30 solar-type stars within binary systems, and (forthe purposes of the study) tentative orbits are computed for thirteenlong-period systems. The results suggest that approximate coplanaritybetween the equatorial and orbital planes exists solar-type binarysystems with separations less than 30-40 AU. The coplanarity tendency,as well as this 'critical separation,' is not significantly affected bymost of the other parameters studied. The one significant exceptionoccurs with hierarchical multiple systems, where noncoplanarity mayexist at relatively small separations. If it is assumed that planetarydistances in our solar system are typical, the results suggest there isno reason to expect planets to orbit in planes significantly differentfrom that of the parent star's equator, in turn suggesting thatplanetary formation models and search strategies dependent upon thisassumption are valid from this standpoint. The results also suggest thatnoncoplanarity between the components of a binary system is not asignificant issue in addressing the stability of planetary orbits withinthe system.

Micrometer measurements of visual double stars made at the Spanish observatories at Calar Alto and Fabra
The study presents 184-micrometer measurements of 100 double starsobserved with the 152-cm telescope at Calar Alto (Almeria, Spain) andthe 38-cm refractor at Fabra Observatory (Barcelona, Spain). The epoch,observed position angle, angular distance between components, number ofnights on which the star was observed, and an indication of the observerare given. Orbits were calculated for almost all the observed stars.

Speckle observations of visual and spectroscopic binaries. V.
Not Available

Relative Orientation of Angular Momenta in Multiple Stellar Systems
Not Available

Observations of double stars and new pairs. XV
The study reports visual and photographic measures listed for 1150 pairsobtained in the time frame 1989.91-1992.15, including 221 new doublestars. Magnitudes were estimated for a part of the objects, especiallythe fainter ones. Plate orientations were calculated from field stars ofknown positions and were precessed to the epoch; numbers of nights andof measured exposures are given. Reobservation of faint, neglected pairsreveal many corrections to the data from the old discovery lists.

Speckle observations of visual and spectroscopic binaries. IV
This is the fourth paper of this series giving results of speckleobservations for 22 visual and 161 spectroscopic binaries. Theobservation was carried out by using the 212 cm telescope of San PedroMartir Observatory in Mexico on 7 nights from July 20 to July 26, 1991.We obtained fringes in power spectra of 19 visual and 11 spectroscopicbinaries (6 newly resolved ones) with angular separation larger than0.06 arcsec. We introduced a new ICCD TV camera in this observation, andwere able to achieve the diffraction-limit resolution of the 212 cmtelescope.

Micrometer measurements of visual double stars made at Nice
Three-hundred thirty-five micrometer measurements of visual double starsmade at Nice Observatory with the 50-cm and 74-cm refractors arereported. The tables give the Washington Catalog number, letters of thecomponents if the star is multiple, the Aitken Catalog number, theobservational epoch, the observed position angle and angular distance,the number of nights, and the name of the observer.

Observations of double stars and new pairs. XIV
Results of a continuing survey of visual double stars are presented,including 4880 measurements made from February 1987 to November 1989.The positions in WDS format and Durchmusterung numbers are given for 194pairs first reported here. Micrometer measurements of 1142 doubles madewith the Swarthmore 61 cm refractor are presented. Magnitudes areestimated for some of the objects. Plate measurements, plateorientations, position angles, number of nights, and measured exposuresare given. Visual observations of 342 pairs obtained in May 1989 atCerro Tololo, mostly with the 1.0 m reflector, are reported.

A first catalogue of speckle-interferometric measurements of binary stars made with 6-m telescope of the USSR AS.
Not Available

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Observation and Astrometry data

Right ascension:22h38m47.47s
Apparent magnitude:6.83
Distance:37.979 parsecs
Proper motion RA:239.2
Proper motion Dec:57.4
B-T magnitude:7.514
V-T magnitude:6.887

Catalogs and designations:
Proper Names
HD 1989HD 214608
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 3213-1727-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 1275-17738309
HIPHIP 111805

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