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HD 173297



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The Distribution of the Elements in the Galactic Disk
This paper reports on the spectroscopic investigation of 54 Cepheids,deriving parameters and abundances. These Cepheids extend previoussamples by about 35% in number and increase the amount of the Galacticdisk coverage, especially in the direction of l~120deg. Wefind that there exists in the Galactic disk at that longitude and at asolar distance of about 3-4 kpc a region that has enhanced abundances,~+0.2, with respect to the local region. A simple linearfit to all Cepheid data now extant yields a gradientd[Fe/H]/dRG=-0.068+/-0.003 dex kpc-1. Afterconsideration of the spatial abundance inhomogeneities in the sample, weconclude that the best current estimate of the overall gradient isd[Fe/H]/dRG=-0.06 dex kpc-1.

Period-colour and amplitude-colour relations in classical Cepheid variables - IV. The multiphase relations
The superb phase resolution and quality of the Optical GravitationalLensing Experiment (OGLE) data on the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) andSmall Magellanic Cloud (SMC) Cepheids, together with existing data onGalactic Cepheids, are combined to study the period-colour (PC) andamplitude-colour (AC) relations as a function of pulsation phase. Ourresults confirm earlier work that the LMC PC relation (at mean light) ismore consistent with two lines of differing slopes, separated at aperiod of 10 d. However, our multiphase PC relations reveal much newstructure which can potentially increase our understanding of Cepheidvariables. These multiphase PC relations provide insight into why theGalactic PC relation is linear but the LMC PC relation is non-linear.This is because the LMC PC relation is shallower for short (logP < 1)and steeper for long (logP > 1) period Cepheids than thecorresponding Galactic PC relation. Both of the short- and long-periodCepheids in all three galaxies exhibit the steepest and shallowestslopes at phases around 0.75-0.85, respectively. A consequence is thatthe PC relation at phase ~ 0.8 is highly non-linear. Further, theGalactic and LMC Cepheids with logP > 1 display a flat slope in thePC plane at phases close to the maximum light. When the LMCperiod-luminosity (PL) relation is studied as a function of phase, weconfirm that it changes with the PC relation. The LMC PL relation in Vand I band near the phase of 0.8 provides compelling evidence that thisrelation is also consistent with two lines of differing slopes joined ata period close to 10 d.

Beobachtungsergebnisse Bundesdeutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Veranderliche Sterne e.V.
Not Available

A spectroscopic study of bright southern Cepheids - a high-resolution view of Cepheid atmospheres
We present high-resolution spectroscopic observations andspecies-by-species radial velocities of a number of southern Cepheids.The stars (BP Cir, V350 Sgr, AX Cir, V636 Sco, W Sgr, S Mus, β Dor,TT Aql, Y Oph, YZ Car, SW Vel, X Pup, T Mon and l Car) were observed aspart of a long-term programme at Mt John University Observatory. Radialvelocities were determined with the line bisector technique, and have aprecision of ~300 ms-1. Velocity differences as large as 30kms-1 were found for Hα and CaII when referenced to themetallic line velocity curves, but more subtle variations (of 1-2kms-1) were also detected in many other species. Pulsationalphase anticorrelations are found between lines of SiII and BaII,confirming the propagation time delay between line-forming layersproducing these two species. We find that the amplitude and phasedifferences between the various species increase with period.

High-Mass Triple Systems: The Classical Cepheid Y Carinae
We have obtained a Hubble Space Telescope STIS ultraviolethigh-dispersion echelle-mode spectrum of the binary companion of thedouble-mode classical Cepheid Y Car. The velocity measured for the hotcompanion from this spectrum is very different from reasonablepredictions for binary motion, implying that the companion is itself ashort-period binary. The measured velocity changed by 7 kms-1 during the 4 days between two segments of theobservation, confirming this interpretation. We summarize ``binary''Cepheids that are in fact members of a triple system and find that atleast 44% are triples. The summary of information on Cepheids withorbits makes it likely that the fraction is underestimated.Based on observations made with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope,obtained at the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is operated bythe Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc.

Mean Angular Diameters and Angular Diameter Amplitudes of Bright Cepheids
We predict mean angular diameters and amplitudes of angular diametervariations for all monoperiodic PopulationI Cepheids brighter than=8.0 mag. The catalog is intended to aid selecting mostpromising Cepheid targets for future interferometric observations.

Improvement of the CORS method for Cepheids radii determination based on Strömgren photometry
In this paper we present a modified version of the CORS method based ona new calibration of the Surface Brightness function in theStrömgren photometric system. The method has been tested by meansof synthetic light and radial velocity curves derived from nonlinearpulsation models. Detailed simulations have been performed to take intoaccount the quality of real observed curves as well as possible shiftsbetween photometric and radial velocity data. The method has been thenapplied to a sample of Galactic Cepheids with Strömgren photometryand radial velocity data to derive the radii and a new PR relation. As aresult we find log R = (1.19 ± 0.09) + (0.74 ± 0.11) logP (rms = 0.07). The comparison between our result and previous estimatesin the literature is satisfactory. Better results are expected from theadoption of improved model atmosphere grids.

The orbits of southern binary Cepheids
High-resolution spectroscopic observations have been made of a number ofsouthern Cepheids. The stars studied were part of a long-term programmeto observe southern variable stars and to complete a data base of radialvelocities over a long time interval. The radial velocities have aprecision of ~300 m s-1, allowing the detection of velocitydifferences of ~1 km s-1 with confidence. Our new dataprovide a consistent set of data against which other sources of data canbe compared.Masses were determined for two systems, the 9-d Cepheid S Mus (6.2 +/-0.2 Msolar) and the 5-d Cepheid V350 Sgr (6.0 +/- 0.9Msolar). For another seven Cepheids (Y Car, YZ Car, AX Cir,BP Cir, V636 Sco, W Sgr and T Mon), new or improved orbital solutionswere found.New results presented here include the first orbital solution for AXCir, a completely revised orbital solution for YZ Car, which establishedits eccentricity and orbital motion, and a new pulsation period (2.39819 d) for BP Cir. The pulsational mass determinations provide furtherconfirmation of the convergence of mass determinations between dynamicaland evolutionary methods.

Beobachtungsergebnisse Bundesdeutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Veranderlichen Serne e.V.
Not Available

New Period-Luminosity and Period-Color relations of classical Cepheids: I. Cepheids in the Galaxy
321 Galactic fundamental-mode Cepheids with good B, V, and (in mostcases) I photometry by Berdnikov et al. (\cite{Berdnikov:etal:00}) andwith homogenized color excesses E(B-V) based on Fernie et al.(\cite{Fernie:etal:95}) are used to determine their period-color (P-C)relation in the range 0.4~ 1.4). The latter effect is enhanced by asuggestive break of the P-L relation of LMC and SMC at log P = 1.0towards still shallower values as shown in a forthcoming paper.Table 1 is only available in electronic form at the CDS via anonymousftp to ( or via

A Revised Calibration of the MV-W(O I 7774) Relationship using Hipparcos Data: Its Application to Cepheids and Evolved Stars
A new calibration of the MV-W(O I 7774) relationship hasbeen calculated using better reddening and distance estimates for asample of 27 calibrator stars of spectral types A to G, based onaccurate parallaxes and proper motions from the Hipparcos and Tychocatalogues. The present calibration predicts absolute magnitude withaccuracies of +/-0.38mag for a sample covering a large range ofMV, from -9.5 to +0.35 mag. The color term included in aprevious paper has been dropped since its inclusion does not lead to anysignificant improvement in the calibration. The variation of the O I7774 feature in the classical cepheid SS Sct has been studied. Wecalculated a phase-dependent correction to random phase OI featurestrengths in Cepheids, such that it predicts mean absolute magnitudesusing the above calibration. After applying such a correction, we couldincrease the list of calibrators to 58 by adding MV and O Itriplet strength data for 31 classical Cepheids. The standard error ofthe calibration using the composite sample was comparable to thatobtained from the primary 27 calibrators, showing that it is possible tocalculate mean Cepheid luminosities from random phase observations ofthe O I 7774 feature. We use our derived calibrations to estimateMV for a set of evolved objects to be able to locate theirpositions in the HR diagram.

Two Period-Radius Relations for Classical Cepheids: Determining the Pulsation Mode and the Distance Scale
Not Available

Beobachtungsergebnisse Bundesdeutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Veraenderliche Sterne e.V.
Not Available

Catalogue of Apparent Diameters and Absolute Radii of Stars (CADARS) - Third edition - Comments and statistics
The Catalogue, available at the Centre de Données Stellaires deStrasbourg, consists of 13 573 records concerning the results obtainedfrom different methods for 7778 stars, reported in the literature. Thefollowing data are listed for each star: identifications, apparentmagnitude, spectral type, apparent diameter in arcsec, absolute radiusin solar units, method of determination, reference, remarks. Commentsand statistics obtained from CADARS are given. The Catalogue isavailable in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp ( or via

Beobachtungsergebnisse Bundesdeutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Veraenderliche Sterne e.V.
Not Available

Stars with the Largest Hipparcos Photometric Amplitudes
A list of the 2027 stars that have the largest photometric amplitudes inHipparcos Photometry shows that most variable stars are all Miras. Thepercentage of variable types change as a function of amplitude. Thiscompilation should also be of value to photometrists looking forrelatively unstudied, but large amplitude stars.

Astrophysical Quantities of Cepheid Variables Measured with the Navy Prototype Optical Interferometer
We present mean angular diameters for two Cepheid variables, α UMiand ζ Gem, determined with the Navy Prototype OpticalInterferometer (NPOI). We present linear radii for these Cepheids andtwo additional Cepheids, δ Cep and η Aql, previously observedat the NPOI. We find the limb-darkened angular diameters of α UMiand of ζ Gem to be 3.28+/-0.02 and 1.55+/-0.09 mas, respectively.Using trigonometric parallaxes, we find the linear radii of α UMi,ζ Gem, δ Cep, and η Aql to be 46+/-3,60+25-14, 45+8-6, and69+28-15 Rsolar, respectively. Wecompare the pulsation periods and linear radii of this sample ofCepheids, which range in period from 3 to 11 days, to theoretical andempirical period-radius and period-radius-mass relations found in theliterature. We find that the observed diameter of α UMi is inexcellent agreement with the predicted diameter as determined from bothsurface brightness techniques and theory only if α UMi is afirst-overtone pulsator.

The Orbit of the Classical Cepheid AW Persei Revisited
We have obtained new velocity data for the classical Cepheid AW Perseiand used them to derive a new orbit for the binary star system of whichit is part. The orbital period (40 yr) is slightly longer than thepreviously determined orbit. The lower limit to the mass of thesecondary from the new mass function is 6.6 Msolar. This ismuch larger than the mass inferred from the spectral type of thecompanion, 4.0 Msolar. This implies that the secondary isitself a binary in a short-period orbit. We have used an IUEhigh-resolution spectrum to confirm the spectral contributions from theCepheid and the hottest companion at 2600 Å. Based on observationsfrom David Dunlap Observatory.

The intermediate-band approach to the surface-brightness method for Cepheid radii and distance determination
The surface-brightness parameter Fν is calibrated in termsof the Strömgren intermediate-band colour b-y. The relationFν-(b-y)o valid for Cepheids is calibratedusing accurate near-infrared radii and distances for selected Cepheids.We have obtained uvby photometry for non-Cepheid giant and supergiantstars with known angular diameters and compared the slope and zero-pointof their Fν-(b-y)o relation with the Cepheidcalibration. We found that the two calibrations are significantlydifferent. The theoretical models lie in between the two calibrations.It is remarked that Fν-colour relations derived fromnon-Cepheids and involving blue colours (e.g. B-V or b-y) are notapplicable to Cepheids, while those involving redder colours (e.g. V-R,V-K or V-J) also produce good radii for Cepheids. Selected Cepheids ascalibrators lead to the accurate relationFν=3.898(+/-0.003)-0.378(+/-0.006)(b-y)o, whichallowed the calculation of radii and distances for a sample of 59Galactic Cepheids. The uncertainties in the zero-point and slope of theabove relation are similar to those obtained from near-infrared colours,and determine the accuracies in radii and distance calculations. Whileinfrared light and colour curves for Cepheids may be superior inprecision, the intermediate-band b-y colour allows the recovery of meanradii with an accuracy comparable to those obtained from the infraredsolutions. The derived distances are consistent within the uncertaintieswith those predicted by a widely accepted period-luminosityrelationship. Likewise, the resulting period-radius relation from theintermediate-band approach is in better agreement with infrared versionsthan with optical versions of this law. It is highlighted that theintermediate-band calibration of the surface-brightness method in thiswork is of comparable accuracy to the near-infrared calibrations. Thepresent results stress the virtues of uvby in determining the physicalparameters of supergiant stars of intermediate temperature.

Galactic Cepheids. Catalogue of light-curve parameters and distances
We report a new version of the catalogue of distances and light-curveparameters for Galactic classical Cepheids. The catalogue listsamplitudes, magnitudes at maximum light, and intensity means for 455stars in BVRI filters of the Johnson system and (RI)_C filters of theCron-Cousins system. The distances are based on our new multicolour setof PL relations and on our Cepheid-based solution for interstellarextinction law parameters and are referred to an LMC distance modulus of18.25. The catalogue is only available in electronic form at the CDS viaanonymous ftp ( or via

Direct calibration of the Cepheid period-luminosity relation
After the first release of Hipparcos data, Feast & Catchpole gave anew value for the zero-point of the visual Cepheid period-luminosityrelation, based on trigonometric parallaxes. Because of the largeuncertainties on these parallaxes, the way in which individualmeasurements are weighted is of crucial importance. We thereforeconclude that the choice of the best weighting system can be aided by aMonte Carlo simulation. On the basis of such a simulation, it is shownthat (i) a cut-off in π or in σ_ππ introduces a strongbias; (ii) the zero-point is more stable when only the brightestCepheids are used; and (iii) the Feast & Catchpole weighting givesthe best zero-point and the lowest dispersion. After correction, theadopted visual period-luminosity relation is=-2.77logP-1.44+/-0.05. Moreover, we extend this study to thephotometric I band (Cousins) and obtain=-3.05logP-1.81+/-0.09.

Toward an Orbit for the High-Luminosity Cepheid T Monocerotis
We have obtained new velocities of the long-period Cepheid T Mon fromthe ground and velocities of its hot companion with the Hubble SpaceTelescope (HST) and the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE).Although observations do not cover a full orbit, both the maximum andminimum orbital velocities have now been obtained. We present apreliminary orbit and discuss the uncertainties in the orbitalparameters. The velocities for the companion appear to be inconsistentwith binary orbital motion, and it is likely that the companion isitself a binary in a short-period orbit. The HST spectrum of thecompanion shows that it is a chemically peculiar star, probablymagnetic. Because it is coupled with the more massive Cepheid, it mustbe very close to the zero-age main sequence. The well-determined massfunction from the preliminary orbit implies that the inclination of thelong-period system is close to 90 deg.

I- and JHK-band photometry of classical Cepheids in the HIPPARCOS catalog
By correlating the \cite[Fernie et al. (1995)]{F95} electronic databaseon Cepheids with the ``resolved variable catalog'' of the hipparcosmission and the simbad catalog one finds that there are 280 Cepheids inthe hipparcos catalog. By removing W Vir stars (Type ii Cepheids),double-mode Cepheids, Cepheids with an unreliable solution in thehipparcos catalog, and stars without photometry, it turns out that thereare 248 classical Cepheids left, of which 32 are classified asfirst-overtone pulsators. For these stars the literature was searchedfor I-band and near-infrared data. Intensity-mean I-band photometry onthe Cousins system is derived for 189 stars, and intensity-mean JHK dataon the Carter system is presented for 69 stars.

Speckle Interferometry of New and Problem HIPPARCOS Binaries
The ESA Hipparcos satellite made measurements of over 12,000 doublestars and discovered 3406 new systems. In addition to these, 4706entries in the Hipparcos Catalogue correspond to double star solutionsthat did not provide the classical parameters of separation and positionangle (rho,theta) but were the so-called problem stars, flagged ``G,''``O,'' ``V,'' or ``X'' (field H59 of the main catalog). An additionalsubset of 6981 entries were treated as single objects but classified byHipparcos as ``suspected nonsingle'' (flag ``S'' in field H61), thusyielding a total of 11,687 ``problem stars.'' Of the many ground-basedtechniques for the study of double stars, probably the one with thegreatest potential for exploration of these new and problem Hipparcosbinaries is speckle interferometry. Results are presented from aninspection of 848 new and problem Hipparcos binaries, using botharchival and new speckle observations obtained with the USNO and CHARAspeckle cameras.

The Mass of the Cepheid Binary V636 Scorpii
The mass-luminosity relation for Cepheids depends on the degree ofmixing in their main-sequence progenitors. Masses of Cepheids can beinferred by using different aspects of pulsation theory. These methodshave in the past led to diverging results, showing that something waswrong in either evolution theory or pulsation theory or both. For somebinary Cepheids dynamical masses, which are independent of pulsation andevolution theories, can be determined. V636 Sco is one of a handful ofCepheid binaries whose companions are bright enough in the ultravioletthat orbital radial velocities can be measured. We have here attemptedto determine the radial velocity of the companion V636 Sco B to theCepheid V636 Sco A by means of two Hubble Space Telescope (HST) spectrataken at phases of minimum and maximum Cepheid orbital velocities. Theratio of the orbital velocity of the companion and the Cepheid (which isthe inverse of their mass ratio) came out to be 1.25 +/- 0.17. V636 ScoB has a spectral type B9.5 V, for which we expect a stellar mass of 2.5M_ȯ. For the Cepheid we thus determine a mass of 3.1 +/- 0.4M_ȯ, which is surprisingly low. If true, such a low mass wouldindicate an extremely large amount of excess mixing, which is veryunlikely. We discuss the likely possibility that V636 Sco B may itselfbe a binary with an unseen secondary, in which case the mass derivedfrom the two measurements discussed above is not correct. Although theerror limits for the mass of each Cepheid are rather large, the combinedmass-luminosity relation for all Cepheids studied by us so far by meansof HST spectra indicates excess mixing corresponding to core convectiveovershoot by 0.25 to about 0.5 pressure scale height in themain-sequence progenitors of the Cepheids. Based on observations madewith the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, obtained at the SpaceTelescope Science Institute, which is operated by the Association ofUniversities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under NASA contractNASS-26555.

UVBY beta Photometric Data and Fourier Coefficients for Galactic Population I and Population II Cepheids
Photometric data in the uvby beta system are presented for a sample of98 Population I Cepheids and seven W Virginis or Population II Cepheids.The importance of the Fourier decomposition technique in the study ofthe structure of pulsating stars is stressed. Mean values and Fourierdecomposition coefficients for the V, b - y, m1, and c1 variations arecalculated. Also, mean values of H beta are provided. New times ofmaximum V light are reported for the majority of the stars in thesample. Significant shifts of the light and color curves were found insome Cepheids; these are explained by their period variations. Thesestars are highlighted in the text.

Classical Cepheid Masses: U Aquilae
We have obtained medium-resolution spectra ( lambda / Delta lambda ~20,000) of the hot binary companion to the classical Cepheid U Aql withthe Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope(HST). These have been used to determine the orbital velocity amplitude.Combining this with the orbital velocity amplitude of the Cepheid fromthe ground-based orbit and the mass of the companion inferred from itsspectral type, we measure a mass of the Cepheid of 5.1 +/- 0.7 Mȯ.We discuss the full sample of Cepheids for which we have determinedmasses with HST (S Mus, V350 Sgr, Y Car, and U Aql) and also SU Cyg(mass from IUE). The HST masses are in agreement with the luminositiespredicted by recent evolutionary tracks with moderate overshoot. Thiscomparison, however, may be altered by reassessment of Cepheid distancesbased on Hipparcos parallaxes.

The shape and scale of Galactic rotation from Cepheid kinematics
A catalog of Cepheid variables is used to probe the kinematics of theGalactic disk. Radial velocities are measured for eight distant Cepheidstoward l = 300 deg; these new Cepheids provide a particularly goodconstraint on the distance to the Galactic center, R0. We model the diskwith both an axisymmetric rotation curve and one with a weak ellipticalcomponent, and find evidence for an ellipticity of 0.043 +/- 0.016 nearthe sun. Using these models, we derive R0 = 7.66 +/- 0.32 kpc andv(circ) = 237 +/- 12 km/s. The distance to the Galactic center agreeswell with recent determinations from the distribution of RR Lyraevariables and disfavors most models with large ellipticities at thesolar orbit.

A catalog of Cepheid radial velocities measured in 1995-1998 with the correlation spectrometer.
Not Available

The radii of 62 classical Cepheids.
Not Available

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Datos observacionales y astrométricos

Ascensión Recta:18h45m17.50s
Magnitud Aparente:7.457
Distancia:10000000 parsecs
Movimiento Propio en Ascensión Recta:0.1
Movimiento Propio en Declinación:-3
B-T magnitude:8.538
V-T magnitude:7.547

Catálogos y designaciones:
Nombres Propios
HD 1989HD 173297
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 6292-30-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0675-29409328
HIPHIP 92013

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