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HD 134360



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מאמרים קשורים

Effective temperature scale and bolometric corrections from 2MASS photometry
We present a method to determine effective temperatures, angularsemi-diameters and bolometric corrections for population I and II FGKtype stars based on V and 2MASS IR photometry. Accurate calibration isaccomplished by using a sample of solar analogues, whose averagetemperature is assumed to be equal to the solar effective temperature of5777 K. By taking into account all possible sources of error we estimateassociated uncertainties to better than 1% in effective temperature andin the range 1.0-2.5% in angular semi-diameter for unreddened stars.Comparison of our new temperatures with other determinations extractedfrom the literature indicates, in general, remarkably good agreement.These results suggest that the effective temperaure scale of FGK starsis currently established with an accuracy better than 0.5%-1%. Theapplication of the method to a sample of 10 999 dwarfs in the Hipparcoscatalogue allows us to define temperature and bolometric correction (Kband) calibrations as a function of (V-K), [m/H] and log g. Bolometriccorrections in the V and K bands as a function of T_eff, [m/H] and log gare also given. We provide effective temperatures, angularsemi-diameters, radii and bolometric corrections in the V and K bandsfor the 10 999 FGK stars in our sample with the correspondinguncertainties.

Lithium in high velocity A and F stars: Constraints on the blue straggler phenomenon
We have determined equivalent widths for a number of atomic lines,including the lambda 6707 resonance doublet of Li, from spectra of asample of candidate early-type high-velocity stars (including a numberof blue straggler candidates) and low-velocity comparison stars. We findthat the high-velocity candidates can be divided into three distinctgroups: (1) stars with low abundances both of Li and of metals ingeneral; (2) stars with low abundances of Li but only slightdeficiencies of the other metals; and (3) stars with nearly normalamounts of both Li and other metals. We tentatively identify thesegroups as (1) halo and thick-disk blue stragglers; (2) old, thinnishdisk blue stragglers; and (3) nearly normal Population l stars whichprobably lie in the tail of the usual Pop. l velocity distribution. Thekinematic properties of the three groups are consistent with thisinterpretation. Li is a fragile element which is easily destroyed in thehot interiors of main-sequence stars, and has previously been shown tobe depleted in the atmospheres of blue stragglers in the open clusterM67. Our results on objects that we have identified in this paper asold, halo or thick disk, field blue stragglers suggest that lithiumdepletion is a general property of blue stragglers; this argues thatlarge scale mixing must be a part of any mechanism that produces bluestragglers. Our observations of low lithium abundances in a number ofmetal-normal, high-velocity, A stars, suggest that the high-latitude Astars observed by Rodgers an d collaborators are probably not producedin the collison of a Magellanic Cloud-like object with the Galactic diskin the past few Gyr. A more likely hypothesis (that is consistent withour lithium abundances) is that the high latitude, normal gravity,metal-rich, A star population consists primarily of blue stragglers.These data also have allowed a redetermination of the relationshipbetween the Stromgren metallicity index delta mo and (M/H)for low-metallicity objects.

Early type high-velocity stars in the solar neighborhood. IV - Four-color and H-beta photometry
Results are presented from photometric obaservations in the Stromgrenuvby four-color and H-beta systems of early-type high-velocity stars inthe solar neighborhood. Several types of photometrically peculiar starsare selected on the basis of their Stromgren indices and areprovisionally identified as peculiar A stars, field horizontal-branchstars, metal-poor stars near the Population II and old-disk turnoffs,metal-poor blue stragglers, or metallic-line A stars. Numerousphotometrically normal stars were also found.

Early-type high-velocity stars in the solar neighborhood. III - Radial velocities, rotation indices, and line-strength indices for southern candidates
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1983AJ.....88.1349S&db_key=AST

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משמש של הקבוצה הבאה

תצפית ומידע אסטרומטרי

התרוממות ימנית:15h09m52.89s
גודל גלוי:8.599
מרחק:182.815 פארסק
תנועה נכונה:-47.9
תנועה נכונה:-11.3
B-T magnitude:8.942
V-T magnitude:8.628

קטלוגים וכינוים:
שם עצם פרטי
HD 1989HD 134360
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 6169-512-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0675-13956470
HIPHIP 74209

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