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A new stellar library in the region of the CO index at 2.3 μm. New index definition and empirical fitting functions
Context: The analysis of unresolved stellar populations demandsevolutionary synthesis models with realistic physical ingredients andextended wavelength coverage. Aims: We quantitatively describe thefirst CO bandhead at 2.3 μm to allow stellar population models toprovide improved predictions in this wavelength range. Methods: Weobserved a new stellar library with a better coverage of the stellaratmospheric parameter space than in earlier works. We performed adetailed analysis of the robustness of previous CO index definitionswith spectral resolution, wavelength calibration, signal-to-noise ratio,and flux calibration. Results: We define a new line-strength index forthe first CO bandhead at 2.3 μm, D_CO, better suited for stellarpopulation studies than previous index definitions. We derive empiricalfitting functions for the CO feature as a function of the stellarparameters (T_eff, log g and [Fe/H]), showing a detailed quantitativemetallicity dependence.

VLT Spectroscopy of Globular Clusters in Low Surface Brightness Dwarf Galaxies
We present VLT/FORS2 spectroscopic observations of globular clusters(GCs) in five low surface brightness dwarf galaxies: KK 211 and KK 221,both dwarf spheroidal satellites (dSph) of NGC 5128; dSph KK 84 locatedclose to the isolated S0 galaxy NGC 3115; and two isolated dwarfirregular (dIrr) galaxies, UGC 3755 and ESO 490-17. Our sample isselected from the Sharina et al. database of HST WFPC2 photometry of GCcandidates in dwarf galaxies. For objects with accurate radial velocitymeasurements we confirm 26 as genuine GCs out of the 27 selectedcandidates from our WFPC2 survey. One candidate appears to be a distantgalaxy. Our measurements of the Lick absorption-line indices in thespectra of confirmed GCs and the subsequent comparison with SSP modelpredictions show that all confirmed GCs in dSphs are old, except GC KK211-3-149 (6+/-2 Gyr), which we consider to be the nucleus of KK 211.GCs in UGC 3755 and ESO 490-17 show a spread in ages ranging fromt>10 Gyr to around 1 Gyr. Most of our sample GCs have lowmetallicities [Z/H]<=-1. Two relatively metal-rich clusters with[Z/H]~-0.3 are likely to be associated with NGC 3115. Our sample GCsshow in general a complex distribution of α-element enhancementwith a mean <[α/Fe]>=0.19+/-0.04 derived with theχ2 minimization technique and 0.18+/-0.12 dex computedwith the iterative approach. These values are slightly lower than themean <[α/Fe]>=0.29+/-0.01 for typical Milky Way GCs. Wecompare other abundance ratios with those of Local Group GCs and findindications for systematic differences in N and Ca abundance. Thespecific frequencies, SN, of our sample galaxies are in linewith the predictions of a simple mass-loss model for dwarf galaxies andcompare well with SN values found for dwarf galaxies innearby galaxy clusters.Based on observations made with ESO Telescopes at the ParanalObservatory under program ID P76.AB-0137.

The frequency of planets in multiple systems
Context: The frequency of planets in binaries is an important issue inthe field of extrasolar planet studies, because of its relevance inestimating of the global planet population of our Galaxy and the cluesit can give to our understanding of planet formation and evolution.However, only preliminary estimates are available in the literature. Aims: We analyze and compare the frequency of planets in multiplesystems to the frequency of planets orbiting single stars. We also tryto highlight possible connections between the frequency of planets andthe orbital parameters of the binaries (such as the periastron and massratio.) Methods: A literature search was performed for binariesand multiple systems among the stars of the sample with uniform planetdetectability defined by Fischer & Valenti (2005, ApJ, 622, 1102),and 202 of the 850 stars of the sample turned out to be binaries,allowing a statistical comparison of the frequency of planets inbinaries and single stars and a study of the run of the planet frequencyas a function of the binary separation. Results: We found that theglobal frequency of planets in the binaries of the sample is notstatistically different from that of planets in single stars. Evenconservatively taking the probable incompleteness of binary detection inour sample into account, we estimate that the frequency of planets inbinaries can be no more than a factor of three lower than that ofplanets in single stars. There is no significant dependence of planetfrequency on the binary separation, except for a lower value offrequency for close binaries. However, this is probably not as low asrequired to explain the presence of planets in close binaries only asthe result of modifications of the binary orbit after the planetformation. Table 8 and Appendix A are only available in electronic form athttp://www.aanda.org

Structure and Evolution of Nearby Stars with Planets. II. Physical Properties of ~1000 Cool Stars from the SPOCS Catalog
We derive detailed theoretical models for 1074 nearby stars from theSPOCS (Spectroscopic Properties of Cool Stars) Catalog. The Californiaand Carnegie Planet Search has obtained high-quality (R~=70,000-90,000,S/N~=300-500) echelle spectra of over 1000 nearby stars taken with theHamilton spectrograph at Lick Observatory, the HIRES spectrograph atKeck, and UCLES at the Anglo Australian Observatory. A uniform analysisof the high-resolution spectra has yielded precise stellar parameters(Teff, logg, vsini, [M/H], and individual elementalabundances for Fe, Ni, Si, Na, and Ti), enabling systematic erroranalyses and accurate theoretical stellar modeling. We have created alarge database of theoretical stellar evolution tracks using the YaleStellar Evolution Code (YREC) to match the observed parameters of theSPOCS stars. Our very dense grids of evolutionary tracks eliminate theneed for interpolation between stellar evolutionary tracks and allowprecise determinations of physical stellar parameters (mass, age,radius, size and mass of the convective zone, surface gravity, etc.).Combining our stellar models with the observed stellar atmosphericparameters and uncertainties, we compute the likelihood for each set ofstellar model parameters separated by uniform time steps along thestellar evolutionary tracks. The computed likelihoods are used for aBayesian analysis to derive posterior probability distribution functionsfor the physical stellar parameters of interest. We provide a catalog ofphysical parameters for 1074 stars that are based on a uniform set ofhigh-quality spectral observations, a uniform spectral reductionprocedure, and a uniform set of stellar evolutionary models. We explorethis catalog for various possible correlations between stellar andplanetary properties, which may help constrain the formation anddynamical histories of other planetary systems.

Medium-resolution Isaac Newton Telescope library of empirical spectra - II. The stellar atmospheric parameters
We present a homogeneous set of stellar atmospheric parameters(Teff, logg, [Fe/H]) for MILES, a new spectral stellarlibrary covering the range λλ 3525-7500Å at2.3Å (FWHM) spectral resolution. The library consists of 985 starsspanning a large range in atmospheric parameters, from super-metal-rich,cool stars to hot, metal-poor stars. The spectral resolution, spectraltype coverage and number of stars represent a substantial improvementover previous libraries used in population synthesis models. Theatmospheric parameters that we present here are the result of aprevious, extensive compilation from the literature. In order toconstruct a homogeneous data set of atmospheric parameters we have takenthe sample of stars of Soubiran, Katz & Cayrel, which has very welldetermined fundamental parameters, as the standard reference system forour field stars, and have calibrated and bootstrapped the data fromother papers against it. The atmospheric parameters for our clusterstars have also been revised and updated according to recent metallicityscales, colour-temperature relations and improved set of isochrones.

Pulkovo compilation of radial velocities for 35495 stars in a common system.
Not Available

Spectroscopic parameters for a sample of metal-rich solar-type stars
Aims.To date, metallicity is the only parameter of a star that appearsto clearly correlate with the presence of planets and their properties.To check for new correlations between stars and the existence of anorbiting planet, we determine accurate stellar parameters for severalmetal-rich solar-type stars. The purpose is to fill the gap of thecomparison sample presented in previous works in the high metal-contentregime. Methods: .The stellar parameters were determined using anLTE analysis based on equivalent widths (EW) of iron lines and byimposing excitation and ionization equilibrium. We also present a firststep in determining these stellar parameters in an automatic manner byusing the code DAOSPEC for the EW determination. Results:.Accurate stellar parameters and metallicities are obtained for oursample composed of 64 high metal-content stars not known to harbor anyplanet. This sample will in the future give us the possibility of betterexploring the existence of differences in the chemical abundancesbetween planet-host stars and stars without known planets in themetal-rich domain. We also report stellar parameters for some recentlydiscovered planet-host stars. Finally, we present an empiricalcalibration for DAOSPEC based on the comparison between its EWmeasurements and the standard "hand made" measurements for the FEROSsample presented in this paper.

Medium-resolution Isaac Newton Telescope library of empirical spectra
A new stellar library developed for stellar population synthesismodelling is presented. The library consists of 985 stars spanning alarge range in atmospheric parameters. The spectra were obtained at the2.5-m Isaac Newton Telescope and cover the range λλ3525-7500 Å at 2.3 Å (full width at half-maximum) spectralresolution. The spectral resolution, spectral-type coverage,flux-calibration accuracy and number of stars represent a substantialimprovement over previous libraries used in population-synthesis models.

Effective temperature scale and bolometric corrections from 2MASS photometry
We present a method to determine effective temperatures, angularsemi-diameters and bolometric corrections for population I and II FGKtype stars based on V and 2MASS IR photometry. Accurate calibration isaccomplished by using a sample of solar analogues, whose averagetemperature is assumed to be equal to the solar effective temperature of5777 K. By taking into account all possible sources of error we estimateassociated uncertainties to better than 1% in effective temperature andin the range 1.0-2.5% in angular semi-diameter for unreddened stars.Comparison of our new temperatures with other determinations extractedfrom the literature indicates, in general, remarkably good agreement.These results suggest that the effective temperaure scale of FGK starsis currently established with an accuracy better than 0.5%-1%. Theapplication of the method to a sample of 10 999 dwarfs in the Hipparcoscatalogue allows us to define temperature and bolometric correction (Kband) calibrations as a function of (V-K), [m/H] and log g. Bolometriccorrections in the V and K bands as a function of T_eff, [m/H] and log gare also given. We provide effective temperatures, angularsemi-diameters, radii and bolometric corrections in the V and K bandsfor the 10 999 FGK stars in our sample with the correspondinguncertainties.

Kinematics, ages and metallicities for F- and G-type stars in the solar neighbourhood
A new metallicity distribution and an age-metallicity relation arepresented for 437 nearby F and G turn-off and sub-giant stars selectedfrom radial velocity data of Nidever et al. Photometric metallicitiesare derived from uvby- Hβ photometry, and the stellar ages from theisochrones of Bergbusch & VandenBerg as transformed to uvbyphotometry using the methods of Clem et al.The X (stellar population) criterion of Schuster et al., which combinesboth kinematic and metallicity information, provides 22 thick-discstars. σW= 32 +/- 5 km s-1,= 154 +/- 6 km s-1 and<[M/H]>=-0.55 +/- 0.03 dex for these thick-disc stars, which is inagreement with values from previous studies of the thick disc.α-element abundances which are available for some of thesethick-disc stars show the typical α-element signatures of thethick disc, supporting the classification procedure based on the Xcriterion.Both the scatter in metallicity at a given age and the presence of old,metal-rich stars in the age-metallicity relation make it difficult todecide whether or not an age-metallicity relation exists for the olderthin-disc stars. For ages greater than 3 Gyr, our results agree with theother recent studies that there is almost no correlation between age andmetallicity, Δ([M/Fe])/Δ(age) =-0.01 +/- 0.005 dexGyr-1. For the 22 thick-disc stars there is a range in agesof 7-8 Gyr, but again almost no correlation between age and metallicity.For the subset of main-sequence stars with extra-solar planets, theage-metallicity relation is very similar to that of the total sample,very flat, the main difference being that these stars are mostlymetal-rich, [M/H]>~-0.2 dex. However, two of these stars have[M/H]~-0.6 dex and have been classified as thick-disc stars. As for thetotal sample, the range in ages for these stars with extra-solarplanetary systems is considerable with a nearly uniform distributionover 3 <~ age <~ 13 Gyr.

Spectroscopic Properties of Cool Stars (SPOCS). I. 1040 F, G, and K Dwarfs from Keck, Lick, and AAT Planet Search Programs
We present a uniform catalog of stellar properties for 1040 nearby F, G,and K stars that have been observed by the Keck, Lick, and AAT planetsearch programs. Fitting observed echelle spectra with synthetic spectrayielded effective temperature, surface gravity, metallicity, projectedrotational velocity, and abundances of the elements Na, Si, Ti, Fe, andNi, for every star in the catalog. Combining V-band photometry andHipparcos parallaxes with a bolometric correction based on thespectroscopic results yielded stellar luminosity, radius, and mass.Interpolating Yonsei-Yale isochrones to the luminosity, effectivetemperature, metallicity, and α-element enhancement of each staryielded a theoretical mass, radius, gravity, and age range for moststars in the catalog. Automated tools provide uniform results and makeanalysis of such a large sample practical. Our analysis method differsfrom traditional abundance analyses in that we fit the observed spectrumdirectly, rather than trying to match equivalent widths, and wedetermine effective temperature and surface gravity from the spectrumitself, rather than adopting values based on measured photometry orparallax. As part of our analysis, we determined a new relationshipbetween macroturbulence and effective temperature on the main sequence.Detailed error analysis revealed small systematic offsets with respectto the Sun and spurious abundance trends as a function of effectivetemperature that would be inobvious in smaller samples. We attempted toremove these errors by applying empirical corrections, achieving aprecision per spectrum of 44 K in effective temperature, 0.03 dex inmetallicity, 0.06 dex in the logarithm of gravity, and 0.5 kms-1 in projected rotational velocity. Comparisons withprevious studies show only small discrepancies. Our spectroscopicallydetermined masses have a median fractional precision of 15%, but theyare systematically 10% higher than masses obtained by interpolatingisochrones. Our spectroscopic radii have a median fractional precisionof 3%. Our ages from isochrones have a precision that variesdramatically with location in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. We planto extend the catalog by applying our automated analysis technique toother large stellar samples.

The Planet-Metallicity Correlation
We have recently carried out spectral synthesis modeling to determineTeff, logg, vsini, and [Fe/H] for 1040 FGK-type stars on theKeck, Lick, and Anglo-Australian Telescope planet search programs. Thisis the first time that a single, uniform spectroscopic analysis has beenmade for every star on a large Doppler planet search survey. We identifya subset of 850 stars that have Doppler observations sufficient todetect uniformly all planets with radial velocity semiamplitudes K>30m s-1 and orbital periods shorter than 4 yr. From this subsetof stars, we determine that fewer than 3% of stars with-0.5<[Fe/H]<0.0 have Doppler-detected planets. Above solarmetallicity, there is a smooth and rapid rise in the fraction of starswith planets. At [Fe/H]>+0.3 dex, 25% of observed stars have detectedgas giant planets. A power-law fit to these data relates the formationprobability for gas giant planets to the square of the number of metalatoms. High stellar metallicity also appears to be correlated with thepresence of multiple-planet systems and with the total detected planetmass. This data set was examined to better understand the origin of highmetallicity in stars with planets. None of the expected fossilsignatures of accretion are observed in stars with planets relative tothe general sample: (1) metallicity does not appear to increase as themass of the convective envelopes decreases, (2) subgiants with planetsdo not show dilution of metallicity, (3) no abundance variations for Na,Si, Ti, or Ni are found as a function of condensation temperature, and(4) no correlations between metallicity and orbital period oreccentricity could be identified. We conclude that stars with extrasolarplanets do not have an accretion signature that distinguishes them fromother stars; more likely, they are simply born in higher metallicitymolecular clouds.Based on observations obtained at Lick and Keck Observatories, operatedby the University of California, and the Anglo-Australian Observatories.

Chromospheric Ca II Emission in Nearby F, G, K, and M Stars
We present chromospheric Ca II H and K activity measurements, rotationperiods, and ages for ~1200 F, G, K, and M type main-sequence stars from~18,000 archival spectra taken at Keck and Lick Observatories as a partof the California and Carnegie Planet Search Project. We have calibratedour chromospheric S-values against the Mount Wilson chromosphericactivity data. From these measurements we have calculated medianactivity levels and derived R'HK, stellar ages,and rotation periods from general parameterizations for 1228 stars,~1000 of which have no previously published S-values. We also presentprecise time series of activity measurements for these stars.Based on observations obtained at Lick Observatory, which is operated bythe University of California, and on observations obtained at the W. M.Keck Observatory, which is operated jointly by the University ofCalifornia and the California Institute of Technology. The KeckObservatory was made possible by the generous financial support of theW. M. Keck Foundation.

The Geneva-Copenhagen survey of the Solar neighbourhood. Ages, metallicities, and kinematic properties of ˜14 000 F and G dwarfs
We present and discuss new determinations of metallicity, rotation, age,kinematics, and Galactic orbits for a complete, magnitude-limited, andkinematically unbiased sample of 16 682 nearby F and G dwarf stars. Our˜63 000 new, accurate radial-velocity observations for nearly 13 500stars allow identification of most of the binary stars in the sampleand, together with published uvbyβ photometry, Hipparcosparallaxes, Tycho-2 proper motions, and a few earlier radial velocities,complete the kinematic information for 14 139 stars. These high-qualityvelocity data are supplemented by effective temperatures andmetallicities newly derived from recent and/or revised calibrations. Theremaining stars either lack Hipparcos data or have fast rotation. Amajor effort has been devoted to the determination of new isochrone agesfor all stars for which this is possible. Particular attention has beengiven to a realistic treatment of statistical biases and errorestimates, as standard techniques tend to underestimate these effectsand introduce spurious features in the age distributions. Our ages agreewell with those by Edvardsson et al. (\cite{edv93}), despite severalastrophysical and computational improvements since then. We demonstrate,however, how strong observational and theoretical biases cause thedistribution of the observed ages to be very different from that of thetrue age distribution of the sample. Among the many basic relations ofthe Galactic disk that can be reinvestigated from the data presentedhere, we revisit the metallicity distribution of the G dwarfs and theage-metallicity, age-velocity, and metallicity-velocity relations of theSolar neighbourhood. Our first results confirm the lack of metal-poor Gdwarfs relative to closed-box model predictions (the ``G dwarfproblem''), the existence of radial metallicity gradients in the disk,the small change in mean metallicity of the thin disk since itsformation and the substantial scatter in metallicity at all ages, andthe continuing kinematic heating of the thin disk with an efficiencyconsistent with that expected for a combination of spiral arms and giantmolecular clouds. Distinct features in the distribution of the Vcomponent of the space motion are extended in age and metallicity,corresponding to the effects of stochastic spiral waves rather thanclassical moving groups, and may complicate the identification ofthick-disk stars from kinematic criteria. More advanced analyses of thisrich material will require careful simulations of the selection criteriafor the sample and the distribution of observational errors.Based on observations made with the Danish 1.5-m telescope at ESO, LaSilla, Chile, and with the Swiss 1-m telescope at Observatoire deHaute-Provence, France.Complete Tables 1 and 2 are only available in electronic form at the CDSvia anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/418/989

Completeness of USNO-B for High Proper Motion Stars
I test the completeness of USNO-B detections of high proper motion(μ>180 mas yr-1) stars and the accuracy of itsmeasurements by comparing them to the revised New Luyten Two-Tenthscatalog of Salim & Gould. For 14.5~20 mas yr-1) may actuallyhave still larger errors than tabulated.

Improved Astrometry and Photometry for the Luyten Catalog. II. Faint Stars and the Revised Catalog
We complete construction of a catalog containing improved astrometry andnew optical/infrared photometry for the vast majority of NLTT starslying in the overlap of regions covered by POSS I and by the secondincremental Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) release, approximately 44%of the sky. The epoch 2000 positions are typically accurate to 130 mas,the proper motions to 5.5 mas yr-1, and the V-J colors to0.25 mag. Relative proper motions of binary components are measured to 3mas yr-1. The false-identification rate is ~1% for11<~V<~18 and substantially less at brighter magnitudes. Theseimprovements permit the construction of a reduced proper-motion diagramthat, for the first time, allows one to classify NLTT stars intomain-sequence (MS) stars, subdwarfs (SDs), and white dwarfs (WDs). We inturn use this diagram to analyze the properties of both our catalog andthe NLTT catalog on which it is based. In sharp contrast to popularbelief, we find that NLTT incompleteness in the plane is almostcompletely concentrated in MS stars, and that SDs and WDs are detectedalmost uniformly over the sky δ>-33deg. Our catalogwill therefore provide a powerful tool to probe these populationsstatistically, as well as to reliably identify individual SDs and WDs.

Radial Velocities for 889 Late-Type Stars
We report radial velocities for 844 FGKM-type main-sequence and subgiantstars and 45 K giants, most of which had either low-precision velocitymeasurements or none at all. These velocities differ from the standardstars of Udry et al. by 0.035 km s-1 (rms) for the 26 FGKstandard stars in common. The zero point of our velocities differs fromthat of Udry et al.: =+0.053km s-1. Thus, these new velocities agree with the best knownstandard stars both in precision and zero point, to well within 0.1 kms-1. Nonetheless, both these velocities and the standardssuffer from three sources of systematic error, namely, convectiveblueshift, gravitational redshift, and spectral type mismatch of thereference spectrum. These systematic errors are here forced to be zerofor G2 V stars by using the Sun as reference, with Vesta and day sky asproxies. But for spectral types departing from solar, the systematicerrors reach 0.3 km s-1 in the F and K stars and 0.4 kms-1 in M dwarfs. Multiple spectra were obtained for all 889stars during 4 years, and 782 of them exhibit velocity scatter less than0.1 km s-1. These stars may serve as radial velocitystandards if they remain constant in velocity. We found 11 newspectroscopic binaries and report orbital parameters for them. Based onobservations obtained at the W. M. Keck Observatory, which is operatedjointly by the University of California and the California Institute ofTechnology, and on observations obtained at the Lick Observatory, whichis operated by the University of California.

Intermediate-Brightness Equatorial Spectrophotometric Standards
We have obtained spectral energy distributions for 41 7m 8m stars nearthe celestial equator (δ=±3°). The λλ31007600 Å spectral range is studied with a spectral resolution of 50Å. The relative rms error in the visible is 1 2%, increasing to 35% towards the edges of the wavelength interval studied. All stars arereferenced to a single standard, the circumpolar star HD 221525. Thesynthetic colors of common stars are compared with those observed infour photometric systems: U BV, W BV R, uvby, and that of the TYCHOcatalog. The program stars are recommended as secondaryspectrophotometric standards.

Lithium Abundances in 11 Solar-type Stars
We present determinations of fundamental parameters and lithiumabundances in eleven solar-type stars through observations of the Li Iλ6707.8Å. The correlations between the abundance of lithiumand that of other elements (Ca, K and Fe) are also discussed. Theanalysis of our data indicates that the maximum lithium abundancedecreases with decreasingT eff, and also decreases withincreasing age. The sun is just one of the stars with low lithiumabundance. One of the sample stars shows a high lithium abundance of asmuch as 2.34 dex. The plot of lithium abundance versus [Ca/H] is similarto that versus [Fe/H]. Lithium seems depleted more quickly thanpotassium in the cool solar-type stars. The correlation between thelithium abundance and the other stellar characteristics, such asabsolute visual magnitude, does not seem very strong. The large scatterpresent at each color cannot be uniquely attributed to different initialcompositions or to pure age effect. Other complex mechanisms may existto provide different amounts of lithium depletion for stars withproperties similar to the sun.

Catalogue of Apparent Diameters and Absolute Radii of Stars (CADARS) - Third edition - Comments and statistics
The Catalogue, available at the Centre de Données Stellaires deStrasbourg, consists of 13 573 records concerning the results obtainedfrom different methods for 7778 stars, reported in the literature. Thefollowing data are listed for each star: identifications, apparentmagnitude, spectral type, apparent diameter in arcsec, absolute radiusin solar units, method of determination, reference, remarks. Commentsand statistics obtained from CADARS are given. The Catalogue isavailable in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp tocdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcar?J/A+A/367/521

Empirical calibration of the lambda 4000 Å break
Empirical fitting functions, describing the behaviour of the lambda 4000Ä break, D4000, in terms of effective temperature,metallicity and surface gravity, are presented. For this purpose, thebreak has been measured in 392 stars from the Lick/IDS Library. We havefollowed a very detailed error treatment in the reduction and fittingprocedures, allowing for a reliable estimation of the breakuncertainties. This calibration can be easily incorporated into stellarpopulation models to provide accurate predictions of the break amplitudefor, relatively old, composite systems. Table 1 is only available inelectronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr( or via http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html

Integrated Ultraviolet Spectra and Line Indices of M31 Globular Clusters and the Cores of Elliptical Galaxies
We present observations of the integrated light of four M31 globularclusters (MIV, MII, K280, and K58) and of the cores of six ellipticalgalaxies (NGC 3605, 3608, 5018, 5831, 6127, and 7619) made with theFaint Object Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope. The spectracover the range 2200-4800 Å at a resolution of 8 Å withsignal-to-noise ratio of more than 20 and flux accuracy of ~5%. To thesedata we add from the literature IUE observations of the dwarf ellipticalgalaxy M32, Galactic globular clusters, and Galactic stars. The stellarpopulations in these systems are analyzed with the aid of mid-UV andnear-UV colors and absorption line strengths. Included in the measuredindices is the key NH feature at 3360 Å. We compare these lineindex measures with the 2600 - 3000 colors of these stars and stellarpopulations. We find that the M31 globular clusters, Galactic globularclusters/Galactic stars, and elliptical galaxies represent threedistinct stellar populations, based on their behavior in color-linestrength correlations involving Mg II, NH, CN, and several UV metallicblends. In particular, the M31 globular cluster MIV, as metal-poor asthe Galactic globular M92, shows a strong NH 3360 Å feature. Otherline indices, including the 3096 Å blend that is dominated bylines of Mg I and Al I, show intrinsic differences as well. We also findthat the broadband line indices often employed to measure stellarpopulation differences in faint objects, such as the 4000 Å andthe Mg 2800 breaks, are disappointingly insensitive to these stellarpopulation differences. We find that the hot (T > 20,000 K) stellarcomponent responsible for the ``UV upturn'' at shorter wavelengths canhave an important influence on the mid-UV spectral range (2400-3200Å) as well. The hot component can contribute over 50% of the fluxat 2600 Å in some cases and affects both continuum colors and linestrengths. Mid-UV spectra of galaxies must be corrected for this effectbefore they can be used as age and abundance diagnostics. Of the threestellar populations studied here, M31 globular clusters and ellipticalgalaxies are more similar to each other than either is to the Galacticstellar populations defined by globular clusters and nearby stars.Similarities between the abundance-pattern differences currentlyidentified among these stellar populations and those among globularcluster stars (N, Al enhancements) present a curious coincidence thatdeserves future investigation. Based on observations with the NASA/ESAHubble Space Telescope, obtained at the Space Telescope ScienceInstitute, which is operated by the Association of Universities forResearch in Astronomy, Inc., under NASA contract NAS 5-26555.

Kinematics and Metallicity of Stars in the Solar Region
Several samples of nearby stars with the most accurate astrometric andphotometric parameters are searched for clues to their evolutionaryhistory. The main samples are (1) the main-sequence stars with b - ybetween 0.29 and 0.59 mag (F3 to K1) in the Yale parallax catalog, (2) agroup of high-velocity subgiants studied spectroscopically by Ryan &Lambert, and (3) high-velocity main-sequence stars in the extensiveinvestigation by Norris, Bessel, & Pickles. The major conclusionsare as follows: (1) The oldest stars (halo), t >= 10-12 Gyr, haveV-velocities (in the direction of Galactic rotation and referred to theSun) in the range from about -50 to -800 km s^-1 and have aheavy-element abundance [Fe/H] of less than about -0.8 dex. The agerange of these objects depends on our knowledge of globular clusterages, but if age is correlated with V-velocity, the youngest may be M22and M28 (V ~ -50 km s^-1) and the oldest NGC 3201 (V ~ -500 km s^-1) andassorted field stars. (2) The old disk population covers the large agerange from about 2 Gyr (Hyades, NGC 752) to 10 or 12 Gyr (Arcturusgroup, 47 Tuc), but the lag (V) velocity is restricted to less thanabout 120 km s^-1 and [Fe/H] >= -0.8 or -0.9 dex. The [Fe/H] ~ -0.8dex division between halo and old disk, near t ~ 10-12 Gyr, is marked bya change in the character of the CN index (C_m) and of the blanketingparameter K of the DDO photometry. (3) The young disk population, t <2 Gyr, is confined exclusively to a well-defined area of the (U, V)velocity plane. The age separating young and old disk stars is also thatseparating giant evolution of the Hyades (near main-sequence luminosity)and M67 (degenerate helium cores and a large luminosity rise) kinds. Thetwo disk populations are also separated by such indexes as the g-indexof Geveva photometry. There appears to be no obvious need to invokeexogeneous influences to understand the motion and heavy-elementabundance distributions of the best-observed stars near the Sun.Individual stars of special interest include the parallax star HD 55575,which may be an equal-component binary, and the high-velocity star HD220127, with a well-determined space velocity near 1000 km s^-1.

H gamma and H delta Absorption Features in Stars and Stellar Populations
The H gamma and H delta absorption features are measured in a sample of455 (out of an original 460) Lick/IDS stars with pseudo--equivalentwidth indices. For each Balmer feature, two definitions, involving anarrow (~20 Angstroms) and a wide (~40 Angstroms) central bandpass, aremeasured. These four new Balmer indices augment 21 indices previouslydetermined by Worthey et al., and polynomial fitting functions that giveindex strengths as a function of stellar temperature, gravity, and[Fe/H] are provided. The new indices are folded into models for theintegrated light of stellar populations, and predictions are given forsingle-burst stellar populations of a variety of ages and metallicities.Contrary to our initial hopes, the indices cannot break a degeneracybetween burst age and burst strength in post-starburst objects, but theyare successful mean-age indicators when used with sensitive metallicityindicators. An appendix gives data, advice, and examples of how totransform new spectra to the 25-index Lick/IDS system.

The relationship between lithium and activity in disk population main sequence G and K stars.
We present determinations of the lithium abundance (through observationsof the LiI 6707.8Å line) in a sample of main sequence stars withspectral types ranging from late F down to M0, selected from the sampleof nearby stars which have been observed with the Einstein observatory.We show that lithium abundance is correlated with X-ray luminosity forthe cooler stars in our sample (4700>T_eff_>4000), while nocorrelation is present for the hotter stars. However, the correlation isalmost completely driven by a very small number of high lithium, highX-ray luminosity (and thus plausibly very young) cool dwarfs present inthe sample. A number of high lithium K dwarfs are present in the survey,and their characteristics and likely age are discussed in detail.

Si X Forbidden Emission in NGC 1068 and NGC 7469
This Letter presents the first observation of [Si X] emission in acelestial object other than the solar corona. The detected line at 1.430mu m is present in the spectra of both NGC 1068 and NGC 7469. Theionization potential of Si X is 401.4 eV, which makes this one of thehighest ionization energy lines observed in active galactic nuclei. Theline falls in a region of high telluric absorption that requires afortuitous combination of redshift and abnormally dry observingconditions to observe.

Chemistry and Kinematics in the Solar Neighborhood: Implications for Stellar Populations and for Galaxy Evolution
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1995AJ....110.2771W&db_key=AST

Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Subtittle: Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue.
We give a common version of the two catalogues of Mean Radial Velocitiesby Wilson (1963) and Evans (1978) to which we have added the catalogueof spectroscopic binary systems (Batten et al. 1989). For each star,when possible, we give: 1) an acronym to enter SIMBAD (Set ofIdentifications Measurements and Bibliography for Astronomical Data) ofthe CDS (Centre de Donnees Astronomiques de Strasbourg). 2) the numberHIC of the HIPPARCOS catalogue (Turon 1992). 3) the CCDM number(Catalogue des Composantes des etoiles Doubles et Multiples) byDommanget & Nys (1994). For the cluster stars, a precise study hasbeen done, on the identificator numbers. Numerous remarks point out theproblems we have had to deal with.

Good Abundances from Bad Spectra: II. Application and a New Stellar Color-Temperature Calibration
Stellar spectra derived from current multiple-object fiber-fedspectroscopic radial-velocity surveys, of the type feasible with, amongother examples, AUTOFIB, 2dF, HYDRA, NESSIE, and the Sloan survey,differ significantly from those traditionally used for determination ofstellar abundances. The spectra tend to be of moderate resolution(around 1 A) and signal-to-noise ratio (around 10-20 per resolutionelement), and cannot usually have reliable continuum shapes determinedover wavelength ranges in excess of a few tens of Angstroms.Nonetheless, with care and a calibration of stellar effectivetemperature from photometry, independent of the spectroscopy, reliableiron abundances can be derived. We have developed techniques to extracttrue iron abundances and surface gravities from low signal-to-noiseratio, intermediate resolution spectra of G-type stars in the 4000-5000Awavelength region. The theoretical basis and calibration using syntheticspectra are described in detail in another paper (Jones, Gilmore andWyse, 1995). The practical application of these techniques toobservational data, which requires some modification from the ideal caseof synthetic data, is given in the present paper. An externally-derivedestimate of stellar effective temperature is required in order toconstrain parameter space sufficiently; a new derivation of the V-Ieffective temperature relation is thus an integral part of the analysispresented here. We have derived this relationship from analysis ofavailable relevant data for metal-poor G dwarfs, the first suchcalibration. We test and calibrate our techniques by analysis of spectraof the twilight sky, of member stars of the cluster M67, and of a set offield stars of known metallicity. We show that this method, combinedwith our new color-temperature calibration, can provide true ironabundances, with an uncertainty of less than 0.2 dex over the range ofmetallicty found in the Galactic thick and thin disks, from spectraobtained with fiber-fed spectrographs. (SECTION: Stars)

Old stellar populations. 5: Absorption feature indices for the complete LICK/IDS sample of stars
Twenty-one optical absorption features, 11 of which have been previouslydefined, are automatically measured in a sample of 460 stars. FollowingGorgas et al., the indices are summarized in fitting functions that giveindex strengths as functions of stellar temperature, gravity, and(Fe/H). This project was carried out with the purpose of predictingindex strengths in the integrated light of stellar populations ofdifferent ages and metallicities, but the data should be valuable forstellar studies in the Galaxy as well. Several of the new indices appearto be promising indicators of metallicity for old stellar populations. Acomplete list of index data and atmospheric parameters is available incomputer-readable form.

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Osservazione e dati astrometrici

Ascensione retta:02h07m34.27s
Magnitudine apparente:6.881
Distanza:36.982 parsec
Moto proprio RA:-249
Moto proprio Dec:-344.5
B-T magnitude:7.643
V-T magnitude:6.944

Cataloghi e designazioni:
Nomi esatti
HD 1989HD 13043
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 4689-1230-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0825-00492903

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