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HD 213232



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Pulkovo compilation of radial velocities for 35495 stars in a common system.
Not Available

On the detection of chemically peculiar stars using Δa photometry
We have summarized all Δ a measurements for galactic field stars(1474 objects) from the literature published over more than two decades.These measurements were, for the first time, compiled and homogeneouslyanalyzed. The Δ a intermediate band photometric system samples thedepth of the 5200 Å flux depression by comparing the flux at thecenter with the adjacent regions with bandwidths of 110 Å to 230Å. Because it was slightly modified over the last three decades,we checked for systematic trends for the different measurements butfound no correlations whatsoever. The Δ a photometric system ismost suitable to detecting magnetic chemically peculiar (CP) stars withhigh efficiency, but is also capable of detecting a small percentage ofnon-magnetic CP objects. Furthermore, the groups of (metal-weak)λ Bootis, as well as classical Be/shell stars, can besuccessfully investigated. In addition, we also analyzed the behaviourof supergiants (luminosity class I and II). On the basis of apparentnormal type objects, the correlation of the 3σ significance limitand the percentage of positive detection for all groups was derived. Wecompared the capability of the Δ a photometric system with theΔ (V1 - G) and Z indices of the Geneva 7-color system to detectpeculiar objects. Both photometric systems show the same efficiency forthe detection of CP and λ Bootis stars, while the indices in theGeneva system are even more efficient at detecting Be/shell objects. Onthe basis of this statistical analysis it is possible to derive theincidence of CP stars in galactic open cluster and extragalactic systemsincluding the former unknown bias of undetected objects. This isespecially important in order to make a sound statistical analysis ofthe correlation between the occurrence of these objects andastrophysical parameters such as the age, metallicity, and strength ofglobal, as well as local, magnetic fields.

Multiplicity among chemically peculiar stars. II. Cool magnetic Ap stars
We present new orbits for sixteen Ap spectroscopic binaries, four ofwhich might in fact be Am stars, and give their orbital elements. Fourof them are SB2 systems: HD 5550, HD 22128, HD 56495 and HD 98088. Thetwelve other stars are: HD 9996, HD 12288, HD 40711, HD 54908, HD 65339,HD 73709, HD 105680, HD 138426, HD 184471, HD 188854, HD 200405 and HD216533. Rough estimates of the individual masses of the components of HD65339 (53 Cam) are given, combining our radial velocities with theresults of speckle interferometry and with Hipparcos parallaxes.Considering the mass functions of 74 spectroscopic binaries from thiswork and from the literature, we conclude that the distribution of themass ratio is the same for cool Ap stars and for normal G dwarfs.Therefore, the only differences between binaries with normal stars andthose hosting an Ap star lie in the period distribution: except for thecase of HD 200405, all orbital periods are longer than (or equal to) 3days. A consequence of this peculiar distribution is a deficit of nulleccentricities. There is no indication that the secondary has a specialnature, like e.g. a white dwarf. Based on observations collected at theObservatoire de Haute-Provence (CNRS), France.Tables 1 to 3 are only available in electronic form at the CDS viaanonymous ftp to ( or via B is only available in electronic form at

Radial velocities. Measurements of 2800 B2-F5 stars for HIPPARCOS
Radial velocities have been determined for a sample of 2930 B2-F5 stars,95% observed by the Hipparcos satellite in the north hemisphere and 80%without reliable radial velocity up to now. Observations were obtainedat the Observatoire de Haute Provence with a dispersion of 80Ä,mm(-1) with the aim of studying stellar and galactic dynamics.Radial velocities have been measured by correlation with templates ofthe same spectral class. The mean obtained precision is 3.0 km s(-1)with three observations. A new MK spectral classification is estimatedfor all stars. Based on observations made at the Haute ProvenceObservatory, France and on data from The Hipparcos Catalogue, ESA.Tables 4, 5 and 6 are only available in electronic form at the CDS viaanonymous ftp to or via

Correlation of the HIPPARCOS and Allegheny Observatory Parallax Catalogs
No significant difference is found between the systems of the Hipparcosand Allegheny Observatory MAP parallax catalogs. The correlation of theparallaxes of 63 stars common to both programs is 0.9995 +/- 0.0001,with an average standard deviation of the difference of 0.0023". Whilethere is no indication of systematic difference in the two programs, ourstudy suggests that the formal errors in one or both catalogs aresomewhat underestimated.

The HR-diagram from HIPPARCOS data. Absolute magnitudes and kinematics of BP - AP stars
The HR-diagram of about 1000 Bp - Ap stars in the solar neighbourhoodhas been constructed using astrometric data from Hipparcos satellite aswell as photometric and radial velocity data. The LM method\cite{luri95,luri96} allows the use of proper motion and radial velocitydata in addition to the trigonometric parallaxes to obtain luminositycalibrations and improved distances estimates. Six types of Bp - Apstars have been examined: He-rich, He-weak, HgMn, Si, Si+ and SrCrEu.Most Bp - Ap stars lie on the main sequence occupying the whole width ofit (about 2 mag), just like normal stars in the same range of spectraltypes. Their kinematic behaviour is typical of thin disk stars youngerthan about 1 Gyr. A few stars found to be high above the galactic planeor to have a high velocity are briefly discussed. Based on data from theESA Hipparcos astrometry satellite and photometric data collected in theGeneva system at ESO, La Silla (Chile) and at Jungfraujoch andGornergrat Observatories (Switzerland). Tables 3 and 4 are onlyavailable in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp ( or via

Delta a and Stroemgren photometry of stars in the Renson-catalogue of AP and AM stars
We have observed 131 stars of \cite[Renson's (1991)]{re91} catalogue ofAp and Am stars both in the Stroemgren & Maitzen's (1976) Delta asystem as a contribution to the photometric studies of the lambda 5200broad band flux depression feature in chemically peculiar stars. Withfew exceptions the probability grouping of Renson for membership in theCP2 group of peculiar stars is nicely reflected by peculiar values ofDelta a. Comparison with already available Delta a values yieldsslightly larger values due to a minor shift in the filter g_1 samplingthe depression. As found by \cite[Maitzen & Vogt (1983)]{ma83} theGeneva system peculiarity parameters correlate well with Delta a. Thisstudy demonstrates the advantageous performance of a photoelectricphotometer with a rapidly rotating filter wheel moving in a stop and gomode. Tables 3 and 4 are also available in electronic form at the CDSvia anonymous ftp to ( or via

The Cape rapidly oscillating AP star survey - III. Null results of searches for high-overtone pulsation.
Abstract image available at:

Catalogue of CP stars with references to short time scale variability
A catalogue was compiled which contains all references in the literaturesince 1962 related to variations of CP stars on time scales shorter thanthe rotation period. The role of this catalogue lies in the unbiasedlisting of all available references, and not in a critical evaluation.

A new list of effective temperatures of chemically peculiar stars. II.
Not Available

One-milliarsecond precision parallax studies in the regions of Delta Cephei and EV Lacertae
Trigonometric parallaxes for stars in the regions of the variable starsdelta Cephei and EV Lacertae are derived from data collected with theMultichannel Astrometric Photometer (MAP) and the Thaw Refractor of theUniversity of Pittsburgh's Allegheny Observatory. The weighted meanparallax of all trigonometric studies of delta Cephei is now + 0.0030sec + or - 0.00093 sec, corresponding to a distance modulus of 7.61 + or- 0.67 mag. This indicates that this luminosity standard star isapproximately one standard deviation more distance than has beengenerally accepted. The weighted mean trigonometric parallax of allstudies of the variable star EV Lacertae (BD + 43 deg 4305) is + 0.1993sec + or - 0.00093 sec, implying a distance modulus of - 1.498 + or -0.0010 mag. The calculated absolute magnitude of this star is almostexactly that predicted by its (R-I)Kron magnitude and by theGliese (R-I) main-sequence value for stars in the solar neighborhood. Wealso find a parallax of 0.0189 sec + or - 0.0008 sec for the FO IVnstar, HR 8666 (BD + 43 sec 4300). The derived luminosity of this star ismidway between that expected for luminosity class IV and V stars at theindicated temperature.

A seven-year northern sky survey of AP stars for rapid variability
A high-speed photometric survey of 120 Ap stars in the northern sky, hasbeen conducted, between 1985 and 1991, in order to search for rapidvariability. Stars of spectral types, namely from B8 to F4, have beenselected for the survey. The selected pulsational variable stars occupythe hotter regions of the instability strip of the Hertzsprung-Russeldiagram. Noted is the absence of pulsations in the hotter B8-A3 Apstars; this does not, however, preclude the existence of pulsations,since HD 218495 was recently discovered to be a rapidly oscillating Ap(roAp) star. The primary result of this study is that variouscombinations of photometric indices, while pointing towards roAp starshaving the characteristic signatures of cool, SrCrEu stars, still failto isolate the roAp phenomenon from similar nonpulsating Ap stars.Color-magnitude and color-color diagrams are presented in order tocomplete this survey.

Spectroscopic parallaxes of MAP region stars from UBVRI, DDO, and uvbyH-beta photometry
This paper presents the results of spectral type and luminosityclassification of reference stars in the Allegheny Observatory MAPparallax program, using broadband and intermediate-band photometry. Inaddition to the use of UBVRI and DDO photometric systems, the uvbyH-betaphotometric system was included for classification of blue (B - V lessthan 0.6) reference stars. The stellar classifications made from thephotometry are used to determine spectroscopic parallaxes. Thespectroscopic parallaxes are used in turn to adjust the relativeparallaxes measured with the MAP to absolute parallaxes. A new methodfor dereddening stars using more than one photometric system ispresented. In the process of dereddening, visual extinctions, spectraltypes, and luminosity classes are determined, as well as a measure ofthe goodness of fit. The measure of goodness of fit quantifiesconfidence in the stellar classifications. It is found that the spectraltypes are reliable to within 2.5 spectral subclasses.

On the Effective Temperatures of Chemically Peculiar Stars
Not Available

Lists of photometric AM candidates
The Geneva photometric m parameter (Nicolet and Cramer, 1982) is used inorder to select Am photometric candidates from the Rufener (1981)catalogue. Two lists are given, the first containing field stars and thesecond cluster stars. According to the photometric criteria thediffusion process probably responsible for the Am phenomenon takes placerather quickly as Am candidates are present in young clusters. It isconfirmed that the phenomenon is enhanced by low rotational velocity andhigh metallicity. The age seems to slightly affect the Am phenomenon.

Photometric properties of AP stars in the Geneva system
An examination of the properties in some photometric diagrams of morethan 600 Ap stars measured in the Geneva photometric system confirm thatthe Balmer discontinuity is smaller than for normal stars, along withthe link between a proposed peculiarity parameter and both rotationalvelocity and effective magnetic field. It is shown that the peculiarityparameter is sensitive to interstellar reddening, and it is foundthrough examination of the standard deviations for visual magnitudesthat cool CP 2 stars without Eu peculiarity have the greatestamplitudes. Rapid rotators have a mild peculiarity, while positivecorrelation exists for Si and SrCr stars.

Effective temperature of AP stars
To determine the effective temperature of a sample of 69 mostly cool Apstars, the intensity of the CaII K line was taken as a temperatureindicator. It is demonstrated quantitatively that the K line is normalin Ap stars. Effective temperatures deduced from the K line intensity,T(eff) CaII are lower than those generally admitted for Ap stars, whichis in agreement with theoretical results from specific models. T(eff)CaII are also in agreement with T(eff) deduced from ultravioletphotometric index Delta-m 2100 and with those deduced from (U-B) and(B-V) corrected of line blocking effects.

A photometric way to the surface magnetic field of AP stars
It is shown that a definite relation exists between photometricparameters of peculiarity and surface magnetic fields of slowly rotatingSr Cr Eu stars. The effect of binarity is discussed and it is shown thatthe above relation does not hold for the coolest Ap stars.

Interstellar reddening of del Cep.
Abstract image available at:

A photoelectric parameter of the peculiarity of the AP stars.
Abstract image available at:

Observations spectrographiques d'etoiles A a spectre particulier et a raies metalliques.
Not Available

Catalogue et bibliographie des étoiles A à spectre particulier Premier supplément
Not Available

Catalogue et bibliographie des étoiles A à spectre particulier
Not Available

Peculiar and Metallic-Line a - Stars in a Galactic Zone.
Abstract image available at:

A Catalog of Magnetic Stars.
Abstract image available at:

Bright Late M-Type Stars Near the Galactic Equator.
Abstract image available at:

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관측 및 측정 데이터

거리:220.751 파섹
적경상의 고유운동:19.7
적위상의 고유운동:11.7
B-T magnitude:8.183
V-T magnitude:8.003

HD 1989HD 213232
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 3995-209-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 1425-13485809
HIPHIP 110933

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