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TYC 4019-237-1



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Photometric monitoring of the ROSAT selected late type stars
We monitored the light variations of 16 solar-type stars recentlydiscovered in the X-ray wave-length range during the ROSAT all-skysurvey. We find that 9 out of 16 stars showed appreciable lightvariability with amplitudes of a few hundredths of a magnitude. They areall proved to be in periodic variations. Using the methods of the phasedispersion minimization (PDM) and Fourier Analysis (PERIOD04), we derivethe photometric periods for these stars. The rotational periods arefound range from 0.471 to 17.31 days and the period of stars most (of 7stars) being shorter than 3 days. Apart from binaries system, theresults give further evidence for the spin up of solar-type stars aspredicted by models of angular momentum evolution of pre-main sequencestars.

Pulkovo compilation of radial velocities for 35495 stars in a common system.
Not Available

Statistics of spectroscopic sub-systems in visual multiple stars
A large sample of visual multiples of spectral types F5-M has beensurveyed for the presence of spectroscopic sub-systems. Some 4200 radialvelocities of 574 components were measured in 1994-2000 with thecorrelation radial velocity meter. A total of 46 new spectroscopicorbits were computed for this sample. Physical relations are establishedfor most of the visual systems and several optical components areidentified as well. The period distribution of sub-systems has a maximumat periods from 2 to 7 days, likely explained by a combination of tidaldissipation with triple-star dynamics. The fraction of spectroscopicsub-systems among the dwarf components of close visual binaries withknown orbits is similar to that of field dwarfs, from 11% to 18% percomponent. Sub-systems are more frequent among the components of widevisual binaries and among wide tertiary components to the known visualor spectroscopic binaries - 20% and 30%, respectively. In triple systemswith both outer (visual) and inner (spectroscopic) orbits known, we findan anti-correlation between the periods of inner sub-systems and theeccentricities of outer orbits which must be related to dynamicalstability constraints. Tables 1, 2, and 6 are only available inelectronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp to or via

Kinematics of Hipparcos Visual Binaries. II. Stars with Ground-Based Orbital Solutions
This paper continues kinematical investigations of the Hipparcos visualbinaries with known orbits. A sample, consisting of 804 binary systemswith orbital elements determined from ground-based observations, isselected. The mean relative error of their parallaxes is about 12% andthe mean relative error of proper motions is about 4%. However, even 41%of the sample stars lack radial velocity measurements. The computedGalactic velocity components and other kinematical parameters are usedto divide the stars with known radial velocities into kinematical agegroups. The majority (92%) of binaries from the sample are thin diskstars, 7.6% have thick disk kinematics and only two binaries have halokinematics. Among them, the long-period variable Mira Ceti has a verydiscordant {Hipparcos} and ground-based parallax values. From the wholesample, 60 stars are ascribed to the thick disk and halo population.There is an urgent need to increase the number of the identified halobinaries with known orbits and substantially improve the situation withradial velocity data for stars with known orbits.

Late-type members of young stellar kinematic groups - I. Single stars
This is the first paper of a series aimed at studying the properties oflate-type members of young stellar kinematic groups. We concentrate ourstudy on classical young moving groups such as the Local Association(Pleiades moving group, 20-150Myr), IC 2391 supercluster (35Myr), UrsaMajor group (Sirius supercluster, 300Myr), and Hyades supercluster(600Myr), as well as on recently identified groups such as the Castormoving group (200Myr). In this paper we compile a preliminary list ofsingle late-type possible members of some of these young stellarkinematic groups. Stars are selected from previously established membersof stellar kinematic groups based on photometric and kinematicproperties as well as from candidates based on other criteria such astheir level of chromospheric activity, rotation rate and lithiumabundance. Precise measurements of proper motions and parallaxes takenfrom the Hipparcos Catalogue, as well as from the Tycho-2 Catalogue, andpublished radial velocity measurements are used to calculate theGalactic space motions (U, V, W) and to apply Eggen's kinematic criteriain order to determine the membership of the selected stars to thedifferent groups. Additional criteria using age-dating methods forlate-type stars will be applied in forthcoming papers of this series. Afurther study of the list of stars compiled here could lead to a betterunderstanding of the chromospheric activity and their age evolution, aswell as of the star formation history in the solar neighbourhood. Inaddition, these stars are also potential search targets for directimaging detection of substellar companions.

Photometric and spectroscopic studies of cool stars discovered in EXOSAT X-ray images. IV. The northern hemisphere sample
We present high-precision photometry, high- and medium-resolutionspectroscopy for a sample of 32 stars likely to be the opticalcounterparts of X-ray sources serendipitously detected by the EXOSATsatellite. Using also recent results from the Hipparcos satellite, weinfer spectral types, compute X-ray luminosities and Li abundances andinvestigate the single or binary nature of the sample stars. We foundeleven new variable stars, whose photometric periods fall in the1.2-27.5 day range, for most of which the optical variability isconsistent with the presence of photospheric cool spots. For our sampleof X-ray selected stars we confirm the existence of a strong correlationbetween the stellar rotation rate and the level of activity, and alsobetween the X-ray and bolometric luminosities. Two stars in our sampleare likely to be pre-main sequence objects, one is likely to be apreviously unknown M-type star within 25 pc. Based on data collected atCatania Astrophysical Observatory (Mt. Etna, Italy), at ObservatorioAstronomico Nacional (UNAM, S. Pedro Martir, BC, Mexico) and at KittPeak National Observatory (Kitt Peak, AZ, USA) Table 1 is available inthe on-line version; Table 3 and the complete data set are available inelectronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp to orvia}

ICCD Speckle Observations of Binary Stars. XXIII. Measurements during 1982-1997 from Six Telescopes, with 14 New Orbits
We present 2017 observations of 1286 binary stars, observed by means ofspeckle interferometry using six telescopes over a 15 year period from1982 April to 1997 June. These measurements constitute the 23dinstallment in CHARA's speckle program at 2 to 4 m class telescopes andinclude the second major collection of measurements from the MountWilson 100 inch (2.5 m) Hooker Telescope. Orbital elements are alsopresented for 14 systems, seven of which have had no previouslypublished orbital analyses.

Two-colour photometry for 9473 components of close Hipparcos double and multiple stars
Using observations obtained with the Tycho instrument of the ESAHipparcos satellite, a two-colour photometry is produced for componentsof more than 7 000 Hipparcos double and multiple stars with angularseparations 0.1 to 2.5 arcsec. We publish 9473 components of 5173systems with separations above 0.3 arcsec. The majority of them did nothave Tycho photometry in the Hipparcos catalogue. The magnitudes arederived in the Tycho B_T and V_T passbands, similar to the Johnsonpassbands. Photometrically resolved components of the binaries withstatistically significant trigonometric parallaxes can be put on an HRdiagram, the majority of them for the first time. Based on observationsmade with the ESA Hipparcos satellite.

Observations of Double Stars. XVIII.
Micrometer observations of 1350 pairs in 1995-1997 are listed.

Measurements of binaries made with the 152-cm telescope at Calar Alto
A total of 143 micrometer measurements are presented for 58 double starsobserved with the 152-cm telescope of the National AstronomicalObservatory at Calar Alto. This is the first published list ofobservations of this kind made with this telescope.

Micrometer observations of double stars and new pairs. XIII
From a program of double star observations which emphasizes orbital,neglected, and newly discovered pairs, results obtained from October1984 to January 1987 are presented. A total of 3030 visual and 550photographic measures are listed. The positions in WDS format andDurchmusterung numbers are shown for 117 pairs for which firstobservations appear in this paper. Magnitudes are estimated for some ofthe objects.

Micrometer observations of double stars.8.
Abstract image available at:

Micrometric Measures of Double Stars
Abstract image available at:

Mikrometermessungen von Doppelsternen. VII
Abstract image available at:

Mesures d'étoiles doubles faites au rĝfraceur de 38 cm de l'Observatoire de Nice
Not Available

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관측 및 측정 데이터

적경상의 고유운동:62.6
적위상의 고유운동:2.6
B-T magnitude:10.329
V-T magnitude:9.503

TYCHO-2 2000TYC 4019-237-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 1500-00502527

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