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TYC 1997-297-1



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The 100 Brightest X-Ray Stars within 50 Parsecs of the Sun
Based on the Hipparcos and Tycho-2 astrometric catalogs and the ROSATsurveys, a sample of 100 stars most luminous in X-rays within or arounda distance of 50 pc is culled. The smallest X-ray luminosity in thesample, in units of 1029 ergs s-1, isLX=9.8 the strongest source in the solar neighborhood is IIPeg, a RS CVn star, at LX=175.8. With respect to the originof X-ray emission, the sample is divided into partly overlapping classesof pre-main-sequence, post-T Tauri, and very young ZAMS objects (typeXY), RS CVn-type binary stars (type RS), other active short-periodbinaries, including binary BY Dra-type objects (type XO), apparentlysingle or long-period binary active evolved stars (type XG), contactbinaries of WU UMa kind (type WU), apparently single or long-periodbinary variable stars of BY Dra kind (type BY), and objects of unknownnature (type X?). Chromospherically active, short-period binaries (RSand XO) make up 40% of the brightest X-ray emitters, followed by youngstars (XY) at 30% and unknown sources (X?) at 15%. The fraction ofspectroscopically single evolved X-ray emitters of spectral classes IVand III is quite large (10%). The sources identified as RS CVn-typestars (RS, 23 objects) are considerably stronger in X-ray than theXY-objects and the other active binaries (XO and WU, 20 objects). Sevenobjects have LX>100, all RS except one XY, viz., BO Mic. Onlyfive (22%) RS objects have LX<25, while only three (10%)XY stars have LX>25. Formally, the limit of LX=25could serve as a statistical criterion to differentiate RS and XY stars.However, the other short-period binaries (including eclipsing stars ofAlgol and β Lyr type) have a distribution of LX verysimilar to the XY objects. The contact binaries (WU) appear to be muchweaker in X-rays than their detached counterparts of RS type, but thesample of the former is too small (three objects) to reach a firmconclusion. Sources matched with giants (either single or in binaries)are found to be significantly harder, with only 7% of hardness ratiosbelow 0, than subgiants (66% of HR1<0) and dwarfs (59% of HR1<0).Almost all objects in the sample are binary or multiple stars; thefraction of components (FC), defined as the total number of componentsin all binary and multiple systems divided by the sum of the totalnumber of components and single stars, is at least 0.90. The FC for theXY objects reaches 0.81, and for the unknown type 0.89. About 70% of RSobjects have also visual or astrometric companions, which makes themhierarchical multiple systems. The RS objects (mostly old, evolvedstars) and the XY stars have quite different kinematics. While the RSobjects move at considerable velocities in apparently random directionswith respect to the local standard of rest, the young stars have smallerand orderly velocities and tend to comprise expanding mini-associationssuch as the β Pic and the Tucana groups. The majority of the youngX-ray active stars belong to the Pleiades stream with the meanheliocentric velocity (U,V,W)=(-9.6,-21.8,-7.7) km s-1.

The Hamburg/RASS Catalogue of optical identifications. Northern high-galactic latitude ROSAT Bright Source Catalogue X-ray sources
We present the Hamburg/RASS Catalogue (HRC) of optical identificationsof X-ray sources at high-galactic latitude. The HRC includes all X-raysources from the ROSAT Bright Source Catalogue (RASS-BSC) with galacticlatitude |b| >=30degr and declination delta >=0degr . In thispart of the sky covering ~ 10 000 deg2 the RASS-BSC contains5341 X-ray sources. For the optical identification we used blue Schmidtprism and direct plates taken for the northern hemisphere Hamburg QuasarSurvey (HQS) which are now available in digitized form. The limitingmagnitudes are 18.5 and 20, respectively. For 82% of the selectedRASS-BSC an identification could be given. For the rest either nocounterpart was visible in the error circle or a plausibleidentification was not possible. With ~ 42% AGN represent the largestgroup of X-ray emitters, ~ 31% have a stellar counterpart, whereasgalaxies and cluster of galaxies comprise only ~ 4% and ~ 5%,respectively. In ~ 3% of the RASS-BSC sources no object was visible onour blue direct plates within 40\arcsec around the X-ray sourceposition. The catalogue is used as a source for the selection of(nearly) complete samples of the various classes of X-ray emitters.

A complete sample of Seyfert galaxies selected at 0.25 keV
We have used the ROSAT Bright Source Catalogue to extract a completesample of sources selected in the band from 0.1-0.4keV. This0.25keV-selected sample is composed of 54 Seyfert galaxies, 25 BLLacertae objects, 4 clusters and 27 Galactic stars or binaries.Seyfert-type galaxies with `ultrasoft' X-ray spectra can very often beclassed optically as narrow-line Seyfert 1s (NLS1s). Such objects arereadily detected in 0.25keV surveys; the sample reported here contains20 NLS1s, corresponding to a 40 per cent fraction of the Seyferts.Optical spectra of the Seyfert galaxies were gathered for correlativeanalysis, which confirmed the well-known relations between X-ray slopeand optical spectral properties (e.g. [Oiii]/Hβ ratio; Feiistrength, Hβ width). The various intercorrelations are most likelydriven, fundamentally, by the shape of the photoionizing continuum inSeyfert nuclei. We argue that a steep X-ray spectrum is a betterindicator of an `extreme' set of physical properties in Seyfert galaxiesthan is the narrowness of the optical Hβ line. The correlationstudies were also used to isolate a number of Seyfert galaxies withapparently `anomalous' properties. Of particular interest are the sixobjects with relatively weak permitted line emission (Hβ and Feii)and weak optical continua. Such objects are rare in most surveys, buttwo of these (IC 3599 and NGC 5905) are known to be transient activegalactic nuclei in which the X-ray flux has faded by factors ~100. Ifthe other four objects also turn out to be transient, this woulddemonstrate that 0.25keV surveys provide an efficient way of finding aninteresting class of object. Finally, the luminosity function of the0.25keV-selected Seyfert galaxies was determined and broken down intosubsamples to investigate the relative space densities of Seyferts whenseparated on the basis of either X-ray slope or Hβ linewidth.

The ROSAT Bright Survey: II. Catalogue of all high-galactic latitude RASS sources with PSPC countrate CR > 0.2 s-1
We present a summary of an identification program of the more than 2000X-ray sources detected during the ROSAT All-Sky Survey (Voges et al.1999) at high galactic latitude, |b| > 30degr , with countrate above0.2 s-1. This program, termed the ROSAT Bright Survey RBS, isto more than 99.5% complete. A sub-sample of 931 sources with countrateabove 0.2 s-1 in the hard spectral band between 0.5 and 2.0keV is to 100% identified. The total survey area comprises 20391deg2 at a flux limit of 2.4 x 10-12 ergcm-2 s-1 in the 0.5 - 2.0 keV band. About 1500sources of the complete sample could be identified by correlating theRBS with SIMBAD and the NED. The remaining ~ 500 sources were identifiedby low-resolution optical spectroscopy and CCD imaging utilizingtelescopes at La Silla, Calar Alto, Zelenchukskaya and Mauna Kea. Apartfrom completely untouched sources, catalogued clusters and galaxieswithout published redshift as well as catalogued galaxies with unusualhigh X-ray luminosity were included in the spectroscopic identificationprogram. Details of the observations with an on-line presentation of thefinding charts and the optical spectra will be published separately.Here we summarize our identifications in a table which contains opticaland X-ray information for each source. As a result we present the mostmassive complete sample of X-ray selected AGNs with a total of 669members and a well populated X-ray selected sample of 302 clusters ofgalaxies with redshifts up to 0.70. Three fields studied by us remainwithout optical counterpart (RBS0378, RBS1223, RBS1556). While the firstis a possible X-ray transient, the two latter are isolated neutron starcandidates (Motch et al. 1999, Schwope et al. 1999).

Identification of soft high galactic latitude RASS X-ray sources. I. A complete count-rate limited sample
We present a summary of spectroscopic identifications for a completesample of bright soft high galactic latitude X-ray sources drawn fromthe ROSAT All-Sky Survey which have PSPC count-rates CR > 0.5 {ctss}(-1) and hardness ratios HR1 < 0. Of a total of 397 sources, 270had catalogued counterparts although most of these were not previouslyknown as X-ray sources; of the remaining 127 sources neither X-ray noroptical properties were previously known. Of the whole sample of verysoft X-ray sources 155 were also discovered by the Wide-Field-Camera onboard ROSAT. We present spectroscopic identifications of 108 sources andother identifications for further 18 sources; 1 source remainsunidentified so far. In practically all cases a unique opticalcounterpart exists facilitating identification. The largest sourceclasses are AGN, magnetic cataclysmic variables, and hot white dwarfs.Based in part on observations with the ESO/MPI 2.2m telescope at LaSilla, Chile

An Optical Atlas of Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) Sources
The Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) has been detecting EUV sourcessince its launch in June 1992. Positions of 540 sources have been madeavailable to the community by the EUVE team. We have extracted 7' X 7'images centered on these 540 EUVE sources from the Space TelescopeScience Institute digitized sky archives. We present these images asmosaic finder charts to aid observers trying to identify EUVE sources,or to characterize known sources. (SECTION: Atlases)

The Second Extreme-Ultraviolet Explorer Source Catalog
We present the second catalog of extreme-ultraviolet objects detected bythe Extreme-Ultraviolet Explorer. The data include (1) all-sky surveydetections from the initial 6 month scanner-survey phase, (2) additionalscanner detections made subsequently during specially programmedobservations designed to fill in low-exposure sky areas of the initialsurvey, (3) sources detected with deep-survey-telescope observationsalong the ecliptic, (4) objects detected by the scanner telescopesduring targeted spectroscopy observations, and ( 3) other observations.We adopt an innovative source detection method that separates the usuallikelihood function into two parts: an intensity diagnostic and aprofile diagnostic. These diagnostics allow each candidate detection tobe tested separately for both signal-to-noise ratio and conformance withthe known instrumental point-spread function. We discuss the dependenceof the false-alarm rate and the survey's completeness on the survey'ssensitivity threshold. We provide three lists of the EUV sourcesdetected: the all-sky survey detections, the deep-survey detections, andsources detected during other phases of the mission. Each list givespositions and intensities in each wave band. The total number of objectslisted is 734. For approximately 65% of these we also provide plausibleoptical, UV, radio, and/or X-ray identifications.

BVRI Photometry of Candidate EUV ROSAT Sources
We report BVRI photometry of stars in 12 selected extreme ultravioletROSAT fields with the goal of obtaining firm identifications of theoptical counterparts to the ROSAT sources. We present BVRI magnitudesand finder charts for 10 optical counterparts identified previously in aspectroscopic survey. Among the 10 sources are 7 probable white dwarfs,2 dwarf Ke stars, and one cataclysmic variable. One of the white dwarfsources (RE J2207+252) appears to reside in a visual binary system witha K4V companion. Two sources (RE J1853+503 and RE J2117+484) have yet tobe identified with visible stars, although our photometry suggests somecandidates for future spectroscopic investigation. (SECTION: Stars)

Optical identification of EUV sources from the ROSAT Wide Field Camera all-sky survey
Optical identifications for 195 EUV sources located in the ROSAT WideField Camera all-sky survey are presented. We list 69 previously unknownEUV-emitting white dwarfs, 114 active stars, 7 new magnetic cataclysmicvariables and 5 active galaxies. Several of the white dwarfs haveresolved M-type companions, while five are unresolved white dwarf/M-starpairs. Finding charts are given for the optical counterparts.

The ROSAT Wide Field Camera all-sky survey of extreme-ultraviolet sources - II. The 2RE Source Catalogue
During 1990-1991 the Wide Field Camera (WFC) on the ROSAT satelliteperformed the first all-sky survey at EUV wavelengths. The survey wasconducted in two `colours' using broad-band filters to define wavebandscovering the ranges 60-140 A and 112-200 A. It was fully imaging, witheffective spatial resolution of about 3 arcmin FWHM, and point sourcelocation accuracy of typically better than 1 arcmin. From an initialanalysis, Pounds et al. published the WFC Bright Source Catalogue (BSC)of 383 sources. In this paper we report results from reprocessing of thecomplete survey database; the resulting list of sources is the `2RE'Catalogue. It contains 479 sources, of which 387 are detected in bothsurvey wavebands, a significant advance on the BSC (80 per cent versus60 per cent). Improvements over the original BSC include: (i) betterrejection of poor aspect periods, and smaller random errors in theaspect reconstruction; (ii) improved background screening; (iii)improved methods for source detection; (iv) inclusion of atime-variability test for each source; (v) more extensive investigationof the survey sensitivity. We define the catalogue selection criteria,and present the catalogue contents in terms of tables and sky maps. Wealso discuss the sky coverage, source number-flux relations, opticalidentifications and source variability.

The first Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer source catalog
The Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) has conducted an all-sky surveyto locate and identify point sources of emission in four extremeultraviolet wavelength bands centered at approximately 100, 200, 400,and 600 A. A companion deep survey of a strip along half the eclipticplane was simultaneously conducted. In this catalog we report thesources found in these surveys using rigorously defined criteriauniformly applied to the data set. These are the first surveys to bemade in the three longer wavelength bands, and a substantial number ofsources were detected in these bands. We present a number of statisticaldiagnostics of the surveys, including their source counts, theirsensitivites, and their positional error distributions. We provide aseparate list of those sources reported in the EUVE Bright Source Listwhich did not meet our criteria for inclusion in our primary list. Wealso provide improved count rate and position estimates for a majorityof these sources based on the improved methodology used in this paper.In total, this catalog lists a total of 410 point sources, of which 372have plausible optical ultraviolet, or X-ray identifications, which arealso listed.

Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer Bright Source List
Initial results from the analysis of the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer(EUVE) all-sky survey (58-740 A) and deep survey (67-364 A) arepresented through the EUVE Bright Source List (BSL). The BSL contains356 confirmed extreme ultraviolet (EUV) point sources with supportinginformation, including positions, observed EUV count rates, and theidentification of possible optical counterparts. One-hundred twenty-sixsources have been detected longward of 200 A.

An optical Atlas of ROSAT Wide Field Camera EUV sources
The ROSAT Wide Field Camera has been detecting EUV sources since itslaunch in June 1990. A preliminary list of 384 bright sources has beensupplied by the Wide Field Camera team to the EUVE Guest ObserverCenter, and to the astronomical community. We have extracted 5.4 x 5.4arcmin images of all 384 WFC sources from the Space Telescope ScienceInstitute digitized sky archives. These images are presented asmosaicked finder charts for observers trying either to identify WFCsources or to characterize known sources.

The ROSAT Wide Field Camera all-sky survey of extreme-ultraviolet sources. I - The Bright Source Catalogue
First comprehensive results from an initial processing of the ROSAT WideField Camera all-sky survey for cosmic sources of extreme-ultravioletradiation are presented. The reduction of the survey data has yielded acatalog of 383 relatively bright EUV sources, forming the WFC BrightSource Catalogue. Details of the EUV source positions and count ratesare given, as are optical identifications where known. It is found thatthe log N-log S distributions are unusually flat for the white dwarfstars, but almost Euclidean for the nearby main-sequence late-typestars. The sky distribution of identified white dwarfs is highlynonuniform, suggesting gross variations in the opacity of theinterstellar medium within about 100 pc.

Photoelectric photometry of stars near the north Galactic pole. II
UBV photometric observations of about 700 stars near the north Galacticpole, obtained using single-channel photometers on the 40-cm and 60-cmCassegrain telescopes at Kvistaberg Observatory (during 1976-1983) andthe Spanish International Observatory (during 1984), respectively, aspart of a program including the stars to be observed by the Hipparcosspacecraft, are reported. The data are presented in a series of tablesand briefly characterized.

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Gözlemler ve gökölçümü verileri

Takýmyýldýz:Berenisin Saci
Sað Açýklýk:13h32m41.69s
Görünürdeki Parlaklýk:9.654
Uzaklýk:46.404 parsek
özdevim Sað Açýklýk:-133.9
özdevim Yükselim:-69.2
B-T magnitude:10.955
V-T magnitude:9.762

Kataloglar ve belirtme:
Özgün isimleri
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 1997-297-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 1125-06743378
HIPHIP 66072

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